Fistudy – is a modern, unique, and clean Responsive Laravel 11 Template. It could be a perfect choice for
educational institutions, online courses, eLearning platforms, Single Instructors, and universities websites.
Fistudy has three complete home page variations with one page scroll option and dark Version.
Fistudy demos included Course pages, blog pages, inner pages, and other university activities pages.
We have included best practices of web development and you can create a great website layout based on Laravel v11.x.
All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for ease to customize.
Fistudy built with modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap5.3, Font Awesome 5.x, Modernizer, CSS3
Animation, Owl Slider, Typed and more.
The layout looks beautiful at any size, be it a laptop screen, iPad, iPhone, Android Mobile or tablets. Plus,
Constrion includes very easy code and comment, anyone can update with his need.
Our Template include all features that you need
- Built with Laravel 11
- Includes 03 Home versions
- Includes 30+ Inner pages
- Includes Owl Carousel Slider
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- CSS3 Animations
- Advance Bootstrap 5 Framework
- Truly SEO Optimized Code
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- W3C Validate Code
- Fully Responsive
- Extensive Documentation
- Fully customisable & Easy to modify
- Free quick support
- All files are well commented
What do you get?
- Laravel Template Files
- Documentation
Images & Other Sources
The images any media/elements used in the template are not included in the main download file, they are only for the
preview purpose.
10 January 2025 & Version 1.0.0
- 1. Initial Released