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Unlock the full potential of data through the FinLab CakePHP Crypto Trading Admin Dashboard Template. Seamlessly optimize your cryptocurrency trading activities with this elegantly designed and user-friendly dashboard, meticulously crafted to elevate both your financial insights and operational efficiency
Multiple Colors Option Express your brand’s personality with our admin template’s versatile color options. Choose from a wide range of carefully curated color palettes to match your organization’s identity, or create a custom scheme that resonates with your vision. The flexibility in colors ensures a vibrant and engaging user interface.
Dark and Light Mode Enhance user comfort and reduce eye strain with our admin template’s dynamic dark and light modes. Whether users prefer a sleek dark interface for a modern feel or a classic light theme, they can easily switch between the two modes based on their preference and environment.
Multiple Header and Sidebar Options Tailor the navigation experience to suit your content and user needs. Our admin template offers a variety of header and sidebar configurations. From compact headers and collapsible sidebars for a focused experience, to expanded headers and fixed sidebars for comprehensive navigation, you have the freedom to choose what suits your application best.
Flexible Header Options Personalize the header’s appearance and functionality with our admin template’s array of options. Whether you need a traditional top navigation bar or a modern side menu with icons and user information, our template supports it all, letting you create a header that aligns with your app’s purpose.
Responsive Sidebar Choices Empower users to navigate effortlessly with our admin template’s responsive sidebar options. Select from various designs such as compact, full-height, or collapsible sidebars, catering to different screen sizes and user preferences.
You will get
- All PHP files
- SCSS Files
- CSS Files
- JS Files
- Proper Documentation
Template Features
- CakePHP 5.x with CakePHP integration
- Left side menu dashboard design
- PHP Framework CakePHP
- MVC architecture Support
- Package management with NPM
- 30+ Plugins
- Charts (apexChart, chartJs, Flot, Morris, Peity, Sparkline)
- Responsive Bootstrap 5 Framework
- Very Easy to Create your Own Site
- Well Commented Code
- Data Tables
- Easy to customize
- Neat, clean and simple design
- TimeLine
- Google Fonts
- Maps
- Mail Inbox
- Lock screen Pages
- Error Pages
- Shopping Cart
- Regular Updates
- Form Elements
- Calendar
- Media Object
- Widgets
- 24X7 Professional Company Support
- Bootstrap Elements
- Calendars
- Color Pickers
- jQuery Validation
- Multi Step Form
- Event Calender
- Shop pages
- Accordions
- Alert Messages
- Badges
- Buttons
- Modal Box
- Tabs
- Progress bar
- Paginations
- Paginations
- Cards
- Typography
- Range Sliders
- Sweet alert pop-ups
- New CakePHP 5.0 Chiffon https://www.amcharts.com
- Amcharts https://www.amcharts.com
- Apexchart https://apexcharts.com
- Bootstrap https://getbootstrap.com
- Bootstrap Daterangepicker https://www.daterangepicker.com
- Bootstrap Material Datetimepicker https://t00rk.github.io/bootstrap-material-datetimepicker
- Bootstrap Multiselect https://github.com/davidstutz/bootstrap-multiselect
- Bootstrap Select https://developer.snapappointments.com/bootstrap-select
- Bootstrap Tagsinput https://bootstrap-tagsinput.github.io/bootstrap-tagsinput/examples
- Bootstrap-touchspin https://www.virtuosoft.eu/code/bootstrap-touchspin
- Chart.js https://www.chartjs.org
- Chartist https://gionkunz.github.io/chartist-js
- Chartist Plugin Tooltips https://github.com/tmmdata/chartist-plugin-tooltip
- CkEditor https://ckeditor.com/
- Clockpicker https://weareoutman.github.io/clockpicker
- Datatables https://datatables.net
- Dropzone https://www.dropzonejs.com
- Flot https://www.flotcharts.org
- Flot Spline https://github.com/miloszfalinski/jquery.flot.spline
- Fullcalendar https://fullcalendar.io
- Highlightjs https://highlightjs.org
- jQuery https://jquery.com
- jQuery AsColor https://github.com/thecreation/jquery-asColor
- jQuery AsColorPicker https://github.com/thecreation/jquery-asColorPicker
- jQuery AsGradient https://www.npmtrends.com/jquery-asGradient
- jQuery Sparkline https://plugins.jquery.com/sparkline
- jQuery Steps http://www.jquery-steps.com
- Jqueryui https://jqueryui.com
- jQuery-validation https://jqueryvalidation.org
- Jqvmap https://github.com/10bestdesign/jqvmap
- Metismenu https://github.com/onokumus/metismenu
- Moment https://momentjs.com
- Morris https://morrisjs.github.io/morris.js
- Nestable2 https://ramonsmit.github.io/Nestable2
- Nouislider https://refreshless.com/nouislider
- Peity http://benpickles.github.io/peity
- Perfect Scrollbar https://plugins.jquery.com/perfect-scrollbar
- Pickadate https://amsul.ca/pickadate.js
- Raphael https://github.com/DmitryBaranovskiy/raphael
- Select https://select2.org
- Svganimation https://github.com/maxwellito/vivus
- Sweetalert https://sweetalert2.github.io
- Toastr https://github.com/CodeSeven/toastr
- Wnumb https://refreshless.com/wnumb
- “Roboto”, sans-serif
- “Poppins”, sans-serif
- “Open Sans”, sans-serif
Send your queries on https://support.w3itexperts.com for any issues or problem you are facing regarding this product.
Note : Images used in the demo are not provided in download package.
Regular license: Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for (access is free and there will be no monthly subscription fees). The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee. The Regular License grants you, the purchaser, an ongoing, non-exclusive, worldwide license to make use of the digital work (Item) you have selected. You can’t Sell the End Product, except to one client. (If you or your client want to Sell the End Product, you will need the Extended License.)
For more details: https://themeforest.net/licenses/terms/regular
Extended license: Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee (there is no free access eg: or monthly subscription fees). You are licensed to use the Item to create one single End Product for yourself or for one client (a “single application”), and the End Product may be Sold. This license is a “single application” license and not a “multi-use” license, which means that you can’t use the Item to create more than one unique End Product.
For more details: https://themeforest.net/licenses/terms/extended
Change Log
v1.0 – 28 November 2023
* New - Created & Upload FinLab CakePHP