WordPress Themes

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Website Templates

Find the best website template for your project. Select a type of template you need or check out all the Website Templates we have in our collection.

Software WordPress Themes

Digeco – Startup Agency WordPress Theme

Digeco – Startup Agency WordPress Theme Digeco is a clean and modern Bootstrap 4 based startup agency WordPress Theme. For all kinds of a startup company who provide Software Services, Digital Services. It is perfect for any kinds of business website. It has 4 homes pages and all necessary inner pages included. It is easy

Starto | Saas Software Startup WordPress

Starto | SaaS Tech Startup WordPress Theme Overview Starto WordPress Theme is a responsive WordPress theme created especially for startup, software as service, app creator and other technology related business websites etc. Built with fully functional page builder for business related websites. Starto support responsive layouts built especially for startup, software as service, app creator

Starto | Software Startup WordPress

Starto | SaaS Tech Startup WordPress Theme Overview Starto WordPress Theme is a responsive WordPress theme created especially for startup, software as service, app creator and other technology related business websites etc. Built with fully functional page builder for business related websites. Starto support responsive layouts built especially for startup, software as service, app creator

Pivotal – Data Science & Analytics WordPress Theme

Pivotal – Data Science & Analytics WordPress Theme. There are more than 10 unique pages with 2 unique home pages included where you can find most type of pages. This template is suitable for any type of Data Science, Data Visualization, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing (NLP),

Masa – Creative Startup WordPress Theme

Compatible with WordPress 4.8 / 5.3.2+ An ideal theme for those running any kind of startup, SaaS, app landing page, or mobile app website. With a sharp look and simple drag-and-drop page builder you’ll have a beautiful website and smooth & intuitive experience with ease. Masa Theme Features Easy to use – no coding knowledge

Xisen – MultiPurpose WordPress Theme for Startup

Xisen – MultiPurpose WordPress Theme for Startup Xisen – MultiPurpose WordPress Theme suitable for various types of Saas Products, Software, Startups, App showcase and related products/services. This Theme specially designed for who wants to start their Application, Software Business , Startup & Agency website . Also it can be used for App Landing or App

Stike – IT Startups WordPress Theme

Stike is a modern WordPress theme for IT, SaaS, AI, Chatbot, and PaaS startups. This has been built with WordPress, Elementor, Bootstrap 4 and Sass. Stike has multiple demo variations with multi-pages available. The theme homepage demos and other inner pages are designed with a unique design to enhance the end-user experience. Also, Mobile First

Codz – Software & IT Services Theme

Codz – Software & IT Services WordPress Theme Requirement To work with Codz, please ensure that you are running WordPress 5.0 or higher, PHP 5.6 or higher, and MySQL 5.6 or higher. We have tested it with Mac, Windows and Linux. For better hosting experience, we recommend using https://wordpress.org/hosting/. Recommended PHP Configuration Limits Various issues

Leadcon – Multipurpose Landing WordPress Theme

We proudly present Leadcon, an astounding multipurpose landing page theme built for various types of websites. It comes with numerous elements and features that have been created and chosen for the needs of SaaS, software, startup and app landing page. With Leadcon, options seem limitless, as it is also suitable for data analytics, data science

Binmp – App Landing WordPress Theme

Binmp WordPress Theme for Creative App Landing web elements which helps you to build your own site. Binmp WordPress theme is very easy to cumtomize and it has a lot of features and very strong admin panel for any client to make a good website. Binmp also included a lot of features for making a