Wallox is a very unique and modern painting & wallpapering HTML Template. We specially designed this awesome template for wallpapering, painting, house painting, interior design, coloring, painting exhibitions, wall design, and all other wallpaper & paint services and business websites. Features Includes 4 Home versions Includes 20 + Inner pages Includes Owl Carousel Slider Shop
Website Templates
ProCv – AI Expert Resume and Personal Portfolio HTML Template
ProCv is a meticulously designed resume and personal portfolio HTML template, tailored specifically for AI experts, data scientists, and machine learning enthusiasts. This template provides a sleek, professional, and modern digital representation of your skills, projects, and achievements, making it the perfect choice for showcasing your expertise in the AI domain. ProCv is designed to
Techo – Technology & IT Solutions React Template
Techo is a library for Techo – IT Solutions & Technology React Template with predefined web elements which helps you to build your own site. Techo Template has a fully responsive layout. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions from regular desktop screens to tablets, iPads, iPhones and small mobile devices. Techo provide you
Narioz – Cannabis & Marijuana Vue Nuxt Template
Narioz is a library for Narioz – Cannabis & Marijuana Vue Nuxt Template with predefined web elements which helps you to build your own site. Narioz Template has a fully responsive layout. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions from regular desktop screens to tablets, iPads, iPhones and small mobile devices. Narioz provide you
Kidsa – Kindergarten & School React NEXT JS Template
Kidsa – Kindergarten & School React JS Template Kidsa-Crafted for kindergarten and preschool, child care and nursery, education and children related endeavors, kidsa is a visually impressive, creative and vibrant, well structured, feature rich and responsive React NEXT JS Template. Kidsa is a perfect Template for projects that strongly focus on handling children or related
Auxx – Tailwind CSS Admin & Dashboard Template
Auxx is a versatile and user-friendly Tailwind CSS admin and dashboard template. It boasts full responsiveness, extensive customization options, and a rich selection of pre-designed components, pages, and layouts to streamline the creation of stunning and functional dashboards for your projects. Whether you are building a web app, dashboards, admin panels, eCommerce platform, HR system,
Gymfito – Fitness & Gym HTML Template
Gymfito – Fitness & Gym HTML Template Gymfito, is your ultimate solution for crafting a captivating online presence for fitness centers, gyms, and personal training services. With our meticulously Gymfito – Fitness & Gym HTML Template. Gymfito offers a seamless blend of modern aesthetics and user-friendly functionality, empowering you to showcase your facilities, services, and
Finview – Financial Loan Review and Comparison Affiliate VueJs 3 Nust Template
Overview Finview is a modern, responsive Vue.js 3 and Nuxt.js template designed for financial loan review and comparison affiliate websites. Built with the latest web technologies, Finview offers a sleek user interface and powerful features to help users compare loan options and make informed financial decisions.This template combines sleek design with powerful functionality, offering a
Kevin – Personal Portfolio/CV HTML Template.
Kevin is a creative and unique CV/resume HTML template for developer, designer, programmer, freelancer, writer, lawyer, musician, trainer, photographer or any other professions & Can be used for Personal Pages. This template contains a single page and also multiple pages with a clean & smooth design. Each element of this design is fully creative. This
Akademi – PHP School and Education Management Admin Dashboard Template
Admin dashboard templates are specifically designed for the backend or administrative sections of web applications. They often include components and layouts commonly found in admin interfaces, such as charts, tables, forms, notifications, and various UI elements. These templates can save developers a significant amount of time by providing a solid foundation for building the user