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Admin Templates Website Templates

Robio – Angular 9 Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Robio is an Angular 9 admin template that uses Bootstrap 4. It also has lots of unique and beautifully designed page designs. Robio provide you Language translation, light/dark color schemes and lots of other reusable UI elements and widgets. We used the Bootstrap 4 framework which provides a number of UI components. This template comes

Minaati – Bootstrap Minimal & Clean Admin Template

Minaati is minimal and clean Bootstrap Admin Template. It is built with latest Bootstrap version keeping flexibility in mind. It comes with online documentation to make it easy for developers. It also has dedicated ultralight demos for CRM, eCommerce, Hospital. It also come with Vertical, Horizontal, Semi Dark, Boxed and RTL layout version is add


Presenting Crema, the all in one package which uses React Hooks to write components more intuitively without using classes. Crema uses Material UI components and follows Google’s Material Design guidelines.   Crema is integrated with Redux for state management hence making it fast and reliable. Crema uses fake API creator ‘axios-mock-adaptor’ to fetch Data hence

Luma – Education Platform & LMS Admin Template

Learning Management System Luma is a beautifully crafted user interface for modern Education Platforms, including Courses & Tutorials, Video Lessons, Student and Teacher Dashboard, Curriculum Management, Earnings and Reporting, ERP, HR, CMS, Tasks, Projects, eCommerce and more.

Hulk – Reactjs Redux Material UI Admin Template

Hulk is a developer-friendly powerful reactjs template developed with redux, redux-thunk. It is fully responsive and supports RTL languages with an integrated language translation method. It provides ready to use components, widgets, and pages which makes it super easy to build a new admin panel as per requirement. Directly usable widgets give you the flexibility

Letz – Laravel Admin Dashboard Starter Kit

Laravel Admin Dashboard Starter Kit A Laravel admin dashboard starter kit with non SPA Vuejs integration. Designed carefully to fit various kinds of device screens. It comes with a few unique pages and components which can help you to build Admin Applications quickly. You can use Laravel blade templating along together with Vuejs component. The

Studio | Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Studio is the new premium and fully responsive Bootstrap 4 admin template. Concept of design for Studio is based on the FLAT design and finally it comes out with a clean and neat design. It is built on top of the popular Bootstrap Framework. Besides that, it is bundled with a lot of third party

Poco – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

Poco Admin is a full featured, multipurpose, premium bootstrap admin template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS and JQuery.It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with latest jQuery plugins. It can be used for all type of Web applications like custom admin panel, app backend, CMS or CRM. poco Admin

Adtopi – Responsive Dashboard Admin Template

Adtopi – Responsive Dashboard Admin Template built using bootstrap 4 specifically for dashboard, admin panels, CMS, CRM or any SAAS system , admin panel, project management system , admin dashboard , business website , application backend etc. The Template comes with a awesome unique design also we ensure you can easily design your website just

Lunoz – Admin & Dashboard Template

Lunoz is the most developer friendly & highly customisable HTML admin dashboard template based on Material design and Bootstrap 4, HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery. It’s a fully responsive and have very clean user interface that comes with a huge collection of components, widgets, UI elements. Lurid helps you to create your next Bootstrap even faster