Bamburgh – Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Bamburgh Vue Admin Dashboard is the perfect solution for building highly interactive applications and websites, using modern technologies. It’s powered by the latest version of Vue.js and BootstrapVue, together with a lot of Vue exclusive widgets and plugins, making it your most powerful development ally. SCSS Stylesheets All stylesheets
Tag: Vuetify
Vuestatistic- Admin Dashboard Template
Vuestatistic Vuestatistic is a fully featured dashboard and admin template comes with tones of well designed UI elements, components, widgets and pages. The super clean and flexible layout would enable you to easily build web applications. Bootstrap components Icons Multiple widgets Toast Notifications Chartjs Charts Brite Charts Apex Charts Spinner Advanced Datatables Multiple File Uploads
Vuse: VueJs CLI Material Admin
Vuse Admin Template Vuse admin is super flexible, powerful, clean, modern & responsive admin template based on Vuejs and Vuetify.js with unlimited possibilities. The Vue CLI makes it easy to maintain this application that already works, right out of the box. The code is super easy to understand and it comes with starter kit which
Coga – Admin Vue 2 WebPack Responsive + Vuetify
Coga Admin Vue 2 Responsive is built with Vue 2 and Vuetify. With responsive and optimized design for mobile devices and a wide range of useful components. Coga it also comes with multiple color versions along dark mode which gives you the design flexibility. Plugins Used: Vue Js 2 Vuetify webpack chartsJs VueCharts lodash Vue-perfect-scrool