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Tag: Vuejs

Dondocas – Admin Responsive Bootstrap 4

Dondoca Admin is super flexible, powerful, clean, modern responsive bootstrap 4 template with unlimited possibilities. Its very easy to customize and developer friendly   Features: Fully Responsive – Thanks to bootstrap Structure based on VueJS: Home  Pages: Home Ecommerce Analytics Social ChartFlot ChartMorris ChartPeity ChartSparkline ChartKnob ChartChartJs ChartEcharts MapsVector MapsGmap FormComponent FormValidation FormUpload TableBasic TableDatabase

Blair – One Page Bootstrap 4 VueJS

Blair – One Page Bootstrap4 VueJS Blair – One Page Bootstrap 4 Vuejs is responsive, clean and modern is suitable for all creative people. It is highly super flexible with a clean and professional design.Blair is the perfect model to build an excellent website for your company. The admin theme fully editable and personalisable, with

Basix Admin – Vuejs Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Basix Admin a great Admin Template Developed with Vue.js. No jQuery used for Developing the Template. bootstrap, font-awesome, and JavaScript are used to make this outstanding Template. You will get all necessary components for making any type of Admin Panel. It extends latest Bootstrap v-4.0 components built by Vuejs, offers everything you need to get

Adminify – VueJS Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Adminify is a fully responsive powerful admin template developed with Vuejs and Bootstrap 4. It comes with pre-integrated features required for your admin panel. It is developed with an approach to provide the developers a hassle free development experience. Pre designed custom pages and integrated features like charts, graphs and data-tables provides you the power

Adminify – VueJS Bootstrap4 Admin Template

Adminify is a fully responsive powerful admin template developed with Vuejs and Bootstrap 4. It comes with pre-integrated features required for your admin panel. It is developed with an approach to provide the developers a hassle free development experience. Pre designed custom pages and integrated features like charts, graphs and data-tables provides you the power

Atkins – Admin Bootstrap 4 VueJS

Atkins – Admin Bootstrap 4 VueJS Atkins – Admin Bootstrap 4 VueJS is super flexible, powerful, clean, modern responsive bootstrap 4 template with unlimited possibilities. The admin theme fully editable and personalisable, with a simple and clean code. Possibility of being used in several devices.   Features: Fully Responsive – Thanks to bootstrap Structure based