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Tag: Vuejs

Xtreme Vuesax Admin Template

Xtreme Vuesax Admin is easy to use and powerful VueJs admin dashboard template based on Vue CLI, Vuex & Vuesax component framework. Username – test@test.com Password – test If you are looking to build backend admin panel for your or your client’s project, Xtreme Vuesax Admin Lite is the perfect choice. It comes easy to

Sofbox – Vue JS Software Landing Page

Sofbox – Software Responsive vue js Template is a sleek, clean and powerful Saas, WebApp, Software landing page template. With modern and stunning UI/UX elements, this template is a perfect package for any of your web project. What benefits do you get? We’ve added 3 brilliant landing pages. With many more upcoming pre-builts, Sofbox’s harmonious

Gull – Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template

Gull – Vue is a modern next generation VueJS Admin Dashboard Template which is Feature Rich, Responsive and Easy To Customize. Gull-vue is Pure Vue JS Admin Dashboard Template. No Jquery Dependancy. Gull-vue is built on top of VueCli, Vue,Vuex,sass And BootstrapVue Component. Its Comes With four Attractive Dashboard, five apps, 200+ Widgets, Lots of

Fantasic – Vue JS App Landing Page Template

Fantasic – Vue JS App Landing Page Template is a stunning Vue template crafted with huge potential. Fantasic is a very good Vue Template, which best for any kind of App landing page. Fantasic is built with the market trend and the well-anticipated future of the landing page. We have crafted this template with Vue,

Bamburgh – Vuejs Admin Dashboard & UI Kit & Multi-Purpose Websites Template

Bamburgh – Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Bamburgh Vue Admin Dashboard is the perfect solution for building highly interactive applications and websites, using modern technologies. It’s powered by the latest version of Vue.js and BootstrapVue, together with a lot of Vue exclusive widgets and plugins, making it your most powerful development ally. SCSS Stylesheets All stylesheets

Sphinx – Vuejs Material Design Admin Template

Sphinx Sphinx is a vuejs responsive dashboard built using vue-cli and vuetify. Prerequisites Sphinx is built using modern workflow technologies and tools. before using and developing Sphinx you should have the following tools installed on your system: nodejs. (required) npm or yarn. (required) git (optional) Features material design concept clean and elegant design. Responsive layout.

ArchitectUI – Vue.js Bootstrap Admin UI Dashboard Template

ArchitectUI is a Modern Clean Responsive Vue.js Bootstrap 4 Admin UI Dashboard Template We’re proud to release our Vue.js port of ArchitectUI. It uses only widgets and components specially built for Vue 2, updated to their latest versions. As a base framework, ArchitectUI Vue is powered by @vue/cli version 3.4.1 and Bootstrap 4 Vue implementation

Vuesax Vuejs – Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template

Vuesax – Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template Vuesax – Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template – is the most developer friendly & highly customisable VueJS Admin Dashboard Template based on Vue CLI, Vuex & Vuesax component framework. Vuesax provides unique features like fuzzy search, bookmarks, floating navbar, dark layout, advance cards and charts. It comes with 2 niche

Vuesax – Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template

Vuesax – Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template Vuesax – Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template – is the most developer friendly & highly customisable VueJS Admin Dashboard Template based on Vue CLI, Vuex & Vuesax component framework. Vuesax provides unique features like fuzzy search, bookmarks, floating navbar, dark layout, advance cards and charts. It comes with 2 niche

Piaf – Vuejs Admin Dashboard

MAGIC IS IN THE DETAILS Piaf is a combination of good design, quality code and attention for details. We used Vuejs without JQuery as it is meant to be. We used same design language for components, layouts, apps and other parts of the theme. We tried to create a Vue.js admin theme that we would