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Tag: vuejs admin template

Ynex – Bootstrap Vue JS Admin Dashboard Template

Introducing Ynex – The Ultimate Vue Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Ynex Vue Admin Panel is a premium Vue Bootstrap admin dashboard template, carefully designed for modern web developers and designers. It provides a seamless, responsive user admin dashboard experience, making it the perfect solution for managing and visualizing data in web templates. By combining Vue

Spike – VueJs Admin Dashboard Template

Spike VueJs Admin Template (Made with Vuetify 3 + Vue3 + Typescript) Spike Vuejs admin dashboard is based on vuetify and comes with refreshing look with many ready-to-use features. It is based on famous Google’s material design. Spike Vuetify dashboard comes with few customizable application designs, which can be great start for you to building

Fasto – VueJs Sass Admin Dashboard Template

You will get .vue Files .ts CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Template Features Vue Vite 5.0.4 TypeScript Pinia 2.1.7 14+ Color Skin Fully Responsive Ready to used widget Detailed Documentation Attractive Calendar Invoice User Profile Timeline Ckeditor Form Examples Charts Options Fullcalendar Wizard Social Datatable Table Sorting Table Date Picker Time Picker Sortable Sweetalert

Fillow – VueJs SaaS Admin Dashboard Template

You will get .vue Files .ts File CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Features VueJs Vite 5.0.4 70+ Pages Available Nodejs v20.10.0 Pinia 2.1.7 TypeScript v5.4.0 6+ Menu Style Available Fullcalendar Horizontal Navigation Available Bootstrap 5 High Speed Performance Swiper Clean Coded Apexcharts Ckeditor Router Light Gallery Light And Dark Mode Super Responsive for All

Flexy Vuetify Vue3 Dashboard

Flexy VueJs Admin Template (Made with Vuetify 3 + Vue3 + Typescript) Flexy Vuejs admin dashboard is based on vuetify and comes with refreshing look with many ready-to-use features. It is based on famous Google’s material design. Flexy Vuetify dashboard comes with few customizable application designs, which can be great start for you to building

MaterialPro VueJs Admin Template

Materialpro VueJs Admin Template (Made with Vuetify, Vuex, VueRouter) MaterialPro Vuejs admin dashboard is based on vuetify and comes with refreshing look with many ready-to-use features. It is based on famous Google’s material design. MaterialPro Vuetify dashboard comes with few customizable application designs, which can be great start for you to building an relative application.

Xtreme Vuesax Admin Template

Xtreme Vuesax Admin is easy to use and powerful VueJs admin dashboard template based on Vue CLI, Vuex & Vuesax component framework. Username – test@test.com Password – test If you are looking to build backend admin panel for your or your client’s project, Xtreme Vuesax Admin Lite is the perfect choice. It comes easy to

Vuely : Vuejs 2 Material Design Admin Template

Vuely is a fully responsive admin template developed with Vuejs and VuetifyJs. It comes with lots of pre integrated features developed with easy component structure including custom pages. It is developed with an approach to provide the developers a hassle free development experience. Pre designed custom pages and integrated features like charts, graphs and data-tables

Vuely : VueJs Admin Template

Vuely is a fully responsive admin template developed with Vuejs and VuetifyJs. It comes with lots of pre integrated features developed with easy component structure including custom pages. It is developed with an approach to provide the developers a hassle free development experience. Pre designed custom pages and integrated features like charts, graphs and data-tables