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Tag: Vuejs

Spike – VueJs Admin Dashboard Template

Spike VueJs Admin Template (Made with Vuetify 3 + Vue3 + Typescript) Spike Vuejs admin dashboard is based on vuetify and comes with refreshing look with many ready-to-use features. It is based on famous Google’s material design. Spike Vuetify dashboard comes with few customizable application designs, which can be great start for you to building

Edupath – Vue Online Courses & Education LMS Template

Edupath is a Vue 3 Online Courses & Education LMS Template designed specifically for educational institutions, online courses, eLearning platforms, Single Instructors, and universities. Edupath also comes with five complete home page variations. Edupath demos included Course, blog, inner, and other university activities pages. This is highly customizable and looks awesome on tablets and mobile

Mophy – Nuxt Tailwind CSS Payment Admin Dashboard Template

Template Features Nuxt Vue TypeScript 14+ Color Skin Fully Responsive Ready to used widget Detailed Documentation Attractive Calendar Invoice User Profile Timeline Ckeditor Form Examples Charts Options Fullcalendar Wizard Social Datatable Gallery Table Sorting Table Date Picker Time Picker Sortable Sweetalert Toaster Swiper Chatbox Lightgallery All Files are Well Commented And many more You will

Zono Vue Js Admin Template

Zono Vue Js Admin Template Zono Admin is a full featured, multipurpose, premium VUE admin template built with Bootstrap 5 Framework.It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with latest plugins. It can be used for all type of Web applications like custom admin panel, app backend, CMS or CRM. Zono Vue

NexaDash – Nuxt Tailwind CSS Multipurpose Admin & Dashboard Template

Admin dashboard templates are specifically designed for the backend or administrative sections of web applications. They often include components and layouts commonly found in admin interfaces, such as charts, tables, forms, notifications, and various UI elements. These templates can save developers a significant amount of time by providing a solid foundation for building the user

W3CRM – NuxtJs Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

You will get .vue Files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Features NuxtJs VueJs TypeScript 100+ Pages Available Pinia 6+ Menu Style Available Fullcalendar Apexcharts Ckeditor 15+ Color Skin Router Light Gallery Light And Dark Mode Horizontal Navigation Available Bootstrap 5 High Speed Performance Swiper Clean Coded Super Responsive for All Latest Browsers and Mobile

Jampack – Intuitive Nuxt-Bootstrap SaaS App Template

Introducing Jampack, a premium dashboard and admin template built with the Nuxt framework and Bootstrap 5.X.X. Designed to adapt seamlessly to a wide range of operational and collaborative needs, Jampack offers exceptional performance and a consistent experience across all screen sizes and modern browsers. Jampack is powered by a robust core framework combining Nuxt, Bootstrap

Rasket – Vue.js Admin Dashboard Template

Rasket stands as a comprehensive premium vue.js admin UI Kit Template, harnessing the capabilities of Bootstrap v5.3.3 alongside contemporary web technologies such as HTML5, SCSS, and JS, all enveloped in a sleek new brutalist design aesthetic. Laden with meticulously crafted components, this UI Kit ensures full responsiveness and high customizability, and boasts intuitive code to

Frisk – Creative Agency & Portfolio Vue js Template

Frisk – Creative Agency & Portfolio Vue js Template Frisk – Creative Agency & Portfolio Template is a clean and modern Bootstrap Creative Agency Portfolio vue js Template. In artistic and creative industries, having a portfolio is pretty much a requirement. Photographers, illustrators, graphic artists, calligraphers, artists and artisans all use portfolios as a key

Frisk – Creative Agency & Portfolio Vue js Template

Frisk – Creative Agency & Portfolio Vue js Template Frisk – Creative Agency & Portfolio Template is a clean and modern Bootstrap Creative Agency Portfolio vue js Template. In artistic and creative industries, having a portfolio is pretty much a requirement. Photographers, illustrators, graphic artists, calligraphers, artists and artisans all use portfolios as a key