Template Features Laravel HTML MIX (Starter Kit) Laravel 8 with Laravel integration Left side menu dashboard design PHP Framework Laravel MVC architecture Support Package management with NPM 30+ Plugins Charts (apexChart, chartJs, Flot, Morris, Peity, Sparkline) Responsive Bootstrap 4 Framework Very Easy to Create your Own Site Well Commented Code Data Tables Easy to customize
Tag: ticket system
Karciz – Event Ticketing Laravel Admin Dashboard
Template Features Laravel HTML MIX (Starter Kit) Laravel 8 with Laravel integration Left side menu dashboard design PHP Framework Laravel MVC architecture Support Package management with NPM 30+ Plugins Charts (apexChart, chartJs, Flot, Morris, Peity, Sparkline) Responsive Bootstrap 4 Framework Very Easy to Create your Own Site Well Commented Code Data Tables Easy to customize
Karciz – Event Ticketing Bootstrap Admin Template
Creadits Amcharts https://www.amcharts.com Animate https://animate.style Aos https://michalsnik.github.io/aos Apexchart https://apexcharts.com Bootstrap https://getbootstrap.com Bootstrap4 Notify http://bootstrap-notify.remabledesigns.com Bootstrap Daterangepicker https://www.daterangepicker.com Bootstrap Material Datetimepicker https://t00rk.github.io/bootstrap-material-datetimepicker Bootstrap Multiselect https://github.com/davidstutz/bootstrap-multiselect Bootstrap Select https://developer.snapappointments.com/bootstrap-select Bootstrap Tagsinput https://bootstrap-tagsinput.github.io/bootstrap-tagsinput/examples Bootstrap-touchspin https://www.virtuosoft.eu/code/bootstrap-touchspin Bootstrap v4 RTL https://bootstrap.rtlcss.com Chart.js https://www.chartjs.org Chartist https://gionkunz.github.io/chartist-js Chartist Plugin Tooltips https://github.com/tmmdata/chartist-plugin-tooltip Clockpicker https://weareoutman.github.io/clockpicker Datatables https://datatables.net Dropzone https://www.dropzonejs.com Flot https://www.flotcharts.org Flot Spline https://github.com/miloszfalinski/jquery.flot.spline
Tixia – Ticketing Admin Dashboard Bootstrap HTML Template
You will get HTML Files jQuery and JavaScript files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Font “Poppins”,sans-serif Support Send your queries on https://w3itexperts.ticksy.com for any issues or problem you are facing regarding this product. Important Note : Images used in the demo are not provided in download package. Change Log 15 October 2020 * New
Amdesk – HelpDesk and Knowledge Base HTML template
Amdesk – is an HTML template for your helpdesk system. You can convert this template into your actual system and give to your users an intuitive way to get to know your products. Create documentation, knowledge base and help users in ticket system or forums. Sell goods from your site directly and manage users licenses.