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Tag: redux

Fuse React – React Redux Material Design Admin Template

FUSE Fuse is a React admin template that uses Material UI Next library. Fuse uses Redux for its state management and it has also a lot of ready-to-use examples such as routing, authentication with user permissions, page based settings system and more. Fuse is not only a great kick starter for your project but it

Reactify – React Redux Material BootStrap 4 Admin Template

Reactify is a powerful reactjs template developed with redux, redux-thunk, webpack 4 and bootstrap 4. Its fully resposnive and support RTL languages with integrated language translation method. It provides ready to use components, widgets and pages which makes it supper easy to build a new admin panel as per requirement. It comes with pre-integrated API

Reactify – ReactJS Redux Material BootStrap 4 Admin Template

Features Unique dashboard designs 300+ UI elements 20+ Custom page Text editors 1000+ Font icons Responsive and data tables Charts and graphs Interactive maps Modules integrated Google-map-react Material-ui Redux React-redux React-router-dom React-scrollbar Reactstrap (Bootstrap 4 components) Recharts React-draft-wysiwyg React-dragula React-ace Axios Datamaps React-chartjs-2 React-circular-progressbar React-leaflet React-ionicons React-skycons React-slick React-quill Rc-queue-anim Chart.js Draft-js React-tap-event-plugin React-trello React-table

Mate – React Redux Material Admin Dashboard

A react-redux powered single page material admin dashboard. Used progressive web application pattern, highly optimized for your next react application. Built with : – Create React App [ Not ejected ] – React – Redux – Redux-Saga – Webpack 3 – React Router 4 – Async Loading – Code Splitting. – Flexbox Grid. – Material

React Material BootStrap 4 Admin Template

Jumbo React is a complete react admin template based on google material design concept and combines two most popular UI libraries Material-UI and BootStrap implemented with 500+ out of the box reusable react components. Its the first react admin template here on themeforest which has in-built complete modules like chat, contacts, mail, to-do and calendar.

Particles – Clean Admin Template for React

Particles – Clean Admin Template for React & Redux Particles is React & Redux admin template. Main focus is on simplicity without using tons of third party plugins. Particles is a great template to bootstrap your admin area with well structured source code. Read before purchase We are using this project to create project structure:

MegaMag – News and Magazine WordPress Theme

Main Features HTML5 & CSS3 Validated Fully Responsive Design Retina Ready Unlimited Colors 4 Version Build with Bootstrap Clean and Beautiful Design Boxed or wide layouts Easy to Customize FontAwesome Icon Fonts Well Commented code Well Documented Translation Ready. Custom Widgets Advertisement Widget Category Posts with Thumb Widget Comments with Avatar Widget Facebook Like Box