Template Features Built on Latest React 3 home Pages Awesome Customized Slider React js Responsive in Any Device React Bootstrap React Carousel No jQuery Well Commented Code Smooth Transition Effects Integrated with FontAwesome Creative and Modern Design Fast, Lightweight & Powerful Easily Customizable Detailed Documentation High Resolution Clean And Professional Coding Multiple Blog Pages Included
Tag: project
Apon – Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme
Apon – Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme Apon – Bootstrap 4 based Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme. Apon is a clean, premium and modern WordPress Theme which can be used to create any site for multiple scenarios. Apon comes with all the required files to create your stunning website. This template is responsive on literally any screen
ProX – Multipurpose HTML Admin Template + Landing Pages
ProX is truly a new breed of admin template. a modern and versatile dashboard with multiple ready to use layouts and utility pages. ProX’s harmonious design and super clean looks will make your backend app look beautiful and elegant. This template works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets, and phones. Every page is fully
ProX : Modern Admin Toolkit in HTML, Sass, HBS
ProX is truly a new breed of admin template. a modern and versatile dashboard with multiple ready to use layouts and utility pages. ProX’s harmonious design and super clean looks will make your backend app look beautiful and elegant. This template works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets, and phones. Every page is fully
Prox | HTML5 Admin Template
ProX is a modern and versatile dashboard with multiple ready to use layouts and utility pages. ProX’s harmonious design and super clean looks will make your backend app look beautiful and elegant. This template works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets, and phones. Every page is fully responsive and retina ready, making your creation
Focal – Creative Architecture React Template
Focal – Bootstrap 4 based Architecture React Template. Focal is a clean, premium and modern React Template which can be used to create any site for multiple scenarios. Some of the templates that Focal can be used for are: Architecture agency, interior design, exterior design and much more Focal comes with all the required files
NYCondos – Apartment Renting Angular Template
NYCondos – Bootstrap 4 based Luxury Condomonium Angular Template. NYCondos is a clean, premium and modern Angular Template which can be used to create any site for multiple scenarios. Some of the templates that NYCondos can be used for are: Room booking, Condomonium booking, Tour guide booking and much more NYCondos comes with all the
Irhas | Digital Agency WordPress Theme
Irhas is A Multiconcept Digital Agency WordPress Theme. This theme built with multiple post types such as portfolio, blog, service, project posts. Each post types has their own styles and functions. This theme is very suitable for Digital Agency, Business Agency, Business Consulting, Financial Consulting, Consultant website Irhas powered by Elementor Page Builder, a live
Stark – Responsive HTML5 One Page Business Template
Stark is a clean and modern landing page template, very easy to customize according to your needs. It built for any type of business landing page such as creative agency, freelancer or to promote web apps, mobile apps. The template is perfectly adapted to various screen sizes. It allows you to use it as sale
Nextro Able Bootstrap Admin Template
About Nextro Able? Nextro Able is one of our top most developer centric dashboard template. It has almost every thing which required for any simple or complex backend project. Built using latest Bootstrap Framework & support of NPM-Gulp build process. Why we consider to purchase Nextro Able? We’re an Elite Author from Envato & having