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Tag: premium admin dashboard

Cubic – Codeigniter Admin Dashboard & UI Template Kit Framework

Cubic – Codeigniter Admin is a web application template designed for admin dashboards and control panels. This responsive PHP template is built on the Bootstrap 3.3.7 CSS framework and Codeigniter 4.4. It incorporates all Bootstrap components and customizes various popular plugins to ensure a cohesive design suitable for backend application interfaces. Features 4+ Different Dashboards

FixedPlus – Multipurpose React Admin Templates

Fixed plus React Admin – A developer-friendly & highly scalable admin dashboard template built with React & top-notch technologies stack. It offers a clean codebase and detailed documentation that allow you to develop your web application faster and cost-effectively. Emilus can be used to build any modern web application including a SaaS, admin panels, CRM,

Volt Pro – Bootstrap 5 Admin Template

Volt Pro – Bootstrap 5 Admin Template Volt Pro is a premium Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template featuring over 800 components, 20 example pages and 10 custom styled plugins. Built by Themesberg Volt Pro was designed and coded by Themesberg. We are a startup that creates high-quality Bootstrap UI Kits, Themes, and dashboards. Over 5k

Volt Pro – Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard

Volt Pro – Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template Volt Pro is a premium Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template featuring over 800 components, 20 example pages and 10 custom styled plugins. Built by Themesberg Volt Pro was designed and coded by Themesberg. We are a startup that creates high-quality Bootstrap UI Kits, Themes, and dashboards. Over

FixedPlus – Multipurpose Laravel Admin Templates

Our Laravel 7 and Bootstrap 4 Admin is the fastest way to build modern admin site or dashboard for any browser or device. Fixed Admin Laravel 7 and Bootstrap 4 Admin Template is constantly developed and maintained by our team. The proof of this is fact that we release minimum 1 updates per month. The

Mintone Bootstrap 4 Admin Template + UI Kit

About Mintone Pro? Mintone Pro is the most flexible & performance centric Bootstrap 4 Admin Template around the other admin dashboard templates. It comes with high end pages and components with highly responsive design. Performance Centric Code Code Performance is our key point while developing Mintone Pro Admin Template and we’ve really nailed it with

Bhumlu Bootstrap Admin Template

Bhumlu admin – is fully responsive Bootstrap4 admin template Designed by Srthemesvilla with a material look and feel Features High Performance Bhumlu admin will get a High-performance and quick response to your project. EASY, TIME-CONSUMING DEVELOPMENT Ready-made, prebuild, ready to use components available in the theme fully well structured with commented code for easy project

Kryptunit – Cryptocurrency Admin Dashboard Template

Want to create and incredible Cryptocurrency ERP/Intranet platform? Sick of testing and evaluating templates? Choose the ONE completely versatile template you can use to create the website you need. Permanently updated, with 24/7 reliable support and amazing features: Multiple Chat Variants Complete UI KIT 600+ Google Fonts Font Icons instead of images Well documented Members

Cryptic – Crypto UI Kit

Want to create and incredible Complete Cryptocurrency ERP/Intranet platform? Sick of testing and evaluating templates? Choose the ONE completely versatile template you can use to create the website you need. Permanently updated, with 24/7 reliable support and amazing features: Multiple Dashboard Variants Check Reports on: Transactions Mining Pool Shares Top Gainers/Losers Market Capitalizations Add ICO