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Website Templates

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Tag: onepage

Dizme – Personal Portfolio HTML Template

Dizme is a one page style personal portfolio template that can be used to build your personal portfolio website. You can choose Dizme to build your online presence. It is very important to have a personal portfolio at current age. In your professional career you must need to have a personal portfolio. Dizme is a

Sozia – Minimal Portfolio HTML Template

Sozia– Minimal Portfolio HTML Template. It can be used by an individual or a company. This template is built with the world’s most popular responsive CSS framework Bootstrap 5, HTML5, CSS3, and javascript. FEATURES: 15 HTML pages Fully Responsive Fast, lightweight & powerful Clean & Minimal Design 6 Different Blog Pages Portfolio Layout Grid Masonry

Gaspar Personal Portfolio HTML Template

Overview Gaspar Personal Portfolio HTML Template – Portfolio & Blogging HTML Template is a Fully Responsive Template built on Bootstrap 5x, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery. It’s a modern crafted HTML5 template which can be used for online Book Appointment website. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included

Waxon – Personal Portfolio WordPress Theme

Waxon – Personal Portfolio WordPress Thems is for many purpose. It’s creative, minimal and clean design. It has all of the features of the business website. It’s suitable for any startup business, companies, agencies, and freelancers which need a professional way to showcase their projects and services with 100% super responsive experience. The layout looks

Ober – CV Resume HTML Template

CV Resume / Personal Portfolio Template Ober – CV Resume HTML Template is a minimal, clean & Sharp looking CV/Resume Portfolio. Its suitable for Designer, Developer, Programmer, Freelancer, Artist, Photographer & Can be use for Personal Portfolio. OBER is comes with: Dark & Light versions, Live Switcher Mode (Dark & Light UI), One & Multi

Ober – One Page Resume HTML Template

Ober – CV Resume HTML Template is a minimal, clean & Sharp looking CV/Resume Portfolio. Its suitable for Designer, Developer, Programmer, Freelancer, Artist, Photographer & Can be use for Personal Portfolio. OBER is comes with: Dark & Light versions, Live Switcher Mode (Dark & Light UI), One & Multi pages, Beautiful animations and effects, Parallax,

Qolle – Creative Digital Agency WP Theme

Qolle is a Digital Agency WordPress Theme for any Digital Agencies, Business, SEO, Content Marketing, Consulting and Financial Companies, Analytical Groups and Large Corporations etc. Design is up to modern design trends, as it uses Elementor frontend bage builder to craft beautiful websites. Get Qolle and your digital agency website is sure to stand out

Qolle – Creative Digital Agency WordPress Theme

Qolle is a Digital Agency WordPress Theme for any Digital Agencies, Business, SEO, Content Marketing, Consulting and Financial Companies, Analytical Groups and Large Corporations etc. Design is up to modern design trends, as it uses Elementor frontend bage builder to craft beautiful websites. Get Qolle and your digital agency website is sure to stand out

Cavani – Personal Portfolio Template

Cavani – Personal Portfolio HTML Template is for many purpose. It’s creative, minimal and clean design. It has all of the features of the business website. It’s suitable for any startup business, companies, agencies, and freelancers which need a professional way to showcase their projects and services with 100% super responsive experience. Full Features –

Ramsay – Personal Portfolio Resume Template

Ramsay – Personal portfolio resume Template is a new trendy highly creative, ultra modern, visually stunning and RTL ready HTML5 responsive resume template Ramsay – Personal Portfolio Ramsay is a Simple, Modern, Creative and Responsive HTML5 OnePage Template. It will help you to presents your self even your Business/resume more smartly and easily. This is