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Tag: nuxt js

Rica – Travel & Tour Online Booking Vue NuxtJs Template

Rica – Travel & Tour Online Booking Vue NuxtJs Template Rica Template Features – Devloped with Nuxt 3.4.3 , Typescript , Compotion Api && node v18.16.1 – 10+ Different Home Layout – 6+ Attractive Property Layout – 50+ Specially Designed Inner Pages – Workable filter – Custom pagination – Data fetching through useFetch – Theme

Ryan Tailwind CSS CV/Resume Vue NuxtJS Template

CV RESUME TEMPLATE RyanCV is a Resume Template best suited for developers, programmers, designers, freelancers, coders or any other professions. With Ryan and all the ready-made components: Different layouts, Dark & Light versions, 8+ Pre-Built Demo Layouts, RTL support – creating online resume and CV websites should no longer be a difficult. Fully responsive, entirely

Ryan Tailwind CSS CV/Resume Vue Template

CV RESUME TEMPLATE RyanCV is a Resume Template best suited for developers, programmers, designers, freelancers, coders or any other professions. With Ryan and all the ready-made components: Different layouts, Dark & Light versions, 8+ Pre-Built Demo Layouts, RTL support – creating online resume and CV websites should no longer be a difficult. Fully responsive, entirely

Ryan CV/Resume Vue NuxtJs Template

CV RESUME TEMPLATE RyanCV is a Resume Template best suited for developers, programmers, designers, freelancers, coders or any other professions. With Ryan and all the ready-made components: Different layouts, Dark & Light versions, 8+ Pre-Built Demo Layouts, RTL support – creating online resume and CV websites should no longer be a difficult. Fully responsive, entirely

Ryan CV/Resume Vue Template

CV RESUME TEMPLATE RyanCV is a Resume Template best suited for developers, programmers, designers, freelancers, coders or any other professions. With Ryan and all the ready-made components: Different layouts, Dark & Light versions, 8+ Pre-Built Demo Layouts, RTL support – creating online resume and CV websites should no longer be a difficult. Fully responsive, entirely

EduBlink – Education Vue JS Template With Nuxt JS

$9 Only Limited Time Intro Offer. Regular Price is $24. Grab It Before It’s Gone. Description EduBlink Vue template is the best choice when you need to build an education website. With it, you will be able to create a fluid and user-friendly experience that connects your customers with rich content about what they need.

Ecostate – Vue Js Single Property Template

With the Real Estate Property Listing Vue JS Template, you can craft your desired single property real estate listing website in little to no time. This modern commercial property website template is powered by modern technologies such as Vue JS, Nuxt JS, Tailwind CSS and offers an array of options for customization. Ecostate – Vue

Bunzo – VUE JS Blog Template

Bunzo – VUE JS Blog Template Bunzo is a VUE JS Blog Template that is perfect for any type of blog. Whether you are a personal blogger or a business blogger, Bunzo has everything you need to get started. The template includes all of the necessary Vue files and is easy to customize. This vue

Streamo – Netflix Like VueJs Website Template

If you’re looking for a Video Streaming Website Template, Streamo is one of the perfect choices. This VueJs based streaming website Template is ideal for any video streaming, live movie, or media streaming app. The Video Streaming App website template ensures hassle-free and smooth functioning of your video streaming website with a live streaming video