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Tag: nodejs admin

Silva – CodeIgniter Admin Dashboard Template

Silva – CodeIgniter is a responsive admin dashboard template for seamless web application management. Using the latest HTML5, CSS3, and the powerful Bootstrap v5.3.3 and CodeIgniter framework, Silva works smoothly with PHP. It features a clean, user-friendly interface with various attractive styles and a full-screen layout, making it perfect for admin dashboards. With Yarn and

Tapeli – Node Js Admin Dashboard Template

Tapeli is a responsive Admin Dashboard Template designed for seamless web application management. Built with the latest HTML5, CSS3, and the powerful Bootstrap v5.3.3 and NodeJS framework. Tapeli offers a sleek and user-friendly interface. With a wide range of beautiful styles and a full-screen layout, it’s a perfect fit for admin dashboards. Using Gulp and

Unikit – Bootstrap & Node Admin Dashboard Template

Unikit is a Bootstrap 5 & NodeJS admin dashboard and multipurpose application ui kit. It is fully responsive and includes awesome features to help build web applications quickly and easily. The tones of well-designed and developed layouts, components, elements, widgets, and application pages allow you to create any saas based application, custom admin panel, or

W3CRM – Node JS Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Admin dashboard templates are specifically designed for the backend or administrative sections of web applications. They often include components and layouts commonly found in admin interfaces, such as charts, tables, forms, notifications, and various UI elements. These templates can save developers a significant amount of time by providing a solid foundation for building the user

Jidox – NodeJS Admin Dashboard Template

Jidox is a fully featured premium admin template built on top of awesome Bootstrap 5.3.0 and NodeJS, modern web technology HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery. It has many ready-to-use hand-crafted components. The template is fully responsive and easy to customize. The code is super easy to understand and gives power to any developer to turn this

Adminto – NodeJS Admin & Dashboard Template

Adminto – NodeJS Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template is a simple and beautiful admin template built with Bootstrap 5 and NodeJS is a fully featured premium admin dashboard template in NodeJS Adminto is a powerful admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap. Adminto comes with a dashboard and admin template that offers a vast collection of

Ubold – NodeJS Admin & Dashboard Template

Ubold – NodeJs Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard is a simple and beautiful admin template built with Bootstrap 5 and NodeJs is a fully featured premium admin dashboard template in NodeJs Ubold is a powerful admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 5. Ubold comes with a dashboard and admin template that offers a vast collection of

Konrix – NodeJS Tailwind CSS Admin & Dashboard Template

Konrix – NodeJs Tailwind CSS Admin & Dashboard is a simple and beautiful admin template built with Tailwind CSS v3.3.2 and NodeJs is a fully featured premium admin dashboard template in NodeJs Konrix is a powerful admin dashboard template built with Tailwind CSS. Konrix comes with a dashboard and admin template that offers a vast

NOA – NodeJS Admin & Dashboard Template

NOA – NodeJS is a simple clean and beautiful admin and dashboard template. We have built with bootstrap 5 and with used gulp. It has different layouts we are managed by SCSS and auto generated CSS only. NOA NodeJS Template is an admin and dashboard template that is a beautiful responsive design, clean & premium

Endless – Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Endless Admin is a full featured, multipurpose, premium bootstrap admin template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS and JQuery.It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with latest jQuery plugins. It can be used for all type of Web applications like custom admin panel, app backend, CMS or CRM. Endless Admin