Description Responsive Admin Dashboard template containing different styles of dashboards, data presentations, and numerous insightful components. Built with the newest Angular 7, NgRx and Ant Design Framework. It has in-built page based template, route, authorization management features. It also includes 9 example apps, 50+ pages, lots of reusable react components and more. Features: 5 in
Tag: material
Vuesax Vuejs – Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template
Vuesax – Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template Vuesax – Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template – is the most developer friendly & highly customisable VueJS Admin Dashboard Template based on Vue CLI, Vuex & Vuesax component framework. Vuesax provides unique features like fuzzy search, bookmarks, floating navbar, dark layout, advance cards and charts. It comes with 2 niche
Vuesax – Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template
Vuesax – Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template Vuesax – Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template – is the most developer friendly & highly customisable VueJS Admin Dashboard Template based on Vue CLI, Vuex & Vuesax component framework. Vuesax provides unique features like fuzzy search, bookmarks, floating navbar, dark layout, advance cards and charts. It comes with 2 niche
Vuestatistic- Admin Dashboard Template
Vuestatistic Vuestatistic is a fully featured dashboard and admin template comes with tones of well designed UI elements, components, widgets and pages. The super clean and flexible layout would enable you to easily build web applications. Bootstrap components Icons Multiple widgets Toast Notifications Chartjs Charts Brite Charts Apex Charts Spinner Advanced Datatables Multiple File Uploads
Sticky Mobile | Mobile Template
Classic Homepage Cards / iOS Homepage Coverpage Slider Homepage Rounded Homepage Login Homepage News Homepage (template, no CMS attached) Store Homepage (template, no CMS attached) Blog Homepage (template, no CMS attached) Profile Homepage Timeline Homepage Splash Screen HomePage (3 Styles) Walkthrough Homepage (6 Styles The Best Navigation System Sticky Mobile uses an insanely powerful and
NeoX – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Web Apps
Swing is a Premium Admin Dashboard template with an attractive design concept. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it. More than 100+ features and with widgets and plugins are
NeoX – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template
Swing is a Premium Admin Dashboard template with an attractive design concept. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it. More than 100+ features and with widgets and plugins are
Benko – Creative Magazine WordPress Theme
Benko – Creative Magazine is a template with luxury design for Politics, Culture, Fashion, LifeStyle… Not only the built-in modern design choices are aesthetically pleasing, it’s packed with multi possible layout combinations suitable for blog and elegant magazines. We believe that our template will appreciate and become very functional site. More Features . Modern minimal
Admixture – Material Admin Template
The admixture is a responsive, creative and customizable dashboard template based on Bootstrap 4 framework with dozens of customizable features, layout variations, ready-to-use UI kit elements. It’s designed beautifully the concept of material design. It’s a perfect solution for a huge variety of markets and business types dashboards. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components
Ostage – Responsive Factory & Industry HTML Template
Ostage is a modern HTML Template ideal for business such as Industry, Agricultural, Power and Energy, Chemical Research, Material, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum and Gas or any other business related. The template contains a variety of pages that will help your company present the essential information to highlight the services and most relevant business information. It