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Website Templates

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Tag: html template

UltmatePro Admin – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Templates and WebApps Templates

A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it. Ultimate Pro Admin – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Premium Admin Dashboard template with modern design concept. Ultimate Pro Admin – Responsive Bootstrap 4

Vevo – One Page Personal Portfolio Cv Resume Template

Vevo – is a modern, clean, creative, portfolio cv resume Template that is built on bootstrap. It is Fully Responsive and Compatible with all types of Screens, Devices and Bowsers. It is mostly suitable for personal portfolio, cv resume, graphic designer, photographer, freelancer and others Creative peoples. It’s also well documented and clean coded that’s

Vevo – One Page Portfolio Cv Resume Template

Vevo – is a modern, clean, creative, portfolio cv resume Template that is built on bootstrap. It is Fully Responsive and Compatible with all types of Screens, Devices and Bowsers. It is mostly suitable for personal portfolio, cv resume, graphic designer, photographer, freelancer and others Creative peoples. It’s also well documented and clean coded that’s

Uniti – Corporate/Agency Bootstrap 4 Template

Uniti The Agency, a clean and responsive HTML5 agency template designed with a modern and mobile first approach.. It focuses on design and the simplicity to use. All the code is well commented. It is Fully Responsive and Compatible with all types of Screens, Devices and Bowsers. It is mostly suitable for corporate, agency, creative

Huka – A Minimal Portfolio HTML Template

Huka is great template for any creative designer, with clean design and minimal layout. It is fully responsive and looks great on all devices. The appearance of Huka will make your website have sophisticated and appealing look and even useful template for your work. Would you like to own this interesting template? Let’s go and

Tyovent – Event Management Dashboard HTML Template

Tyovent – Event Management Dashboard HTML Template is a modern and beautiful dashboard design for any event related backend. You can create subtle and striking Event based admin panels with our HTML version. Tyovent is introducing new interesting components for events solutions. Credit Bootstrap Chartistjs Fullcalender Jquery-ui Moment Metis menu Circle Progress Animate.css General Features

Estrella HTML Template For Creative Agencies

Overview Estrella is a well-designed HTML website template based on Bootstrap. The template consists of 14 HTML pages. There are 3 homepage variations for 3 different businesses: design marketing video production Features 14 HTML Pages 3 Homepage Designs Clean Code Based on Bootstrap 4 Built with HTML5 & CSS3 Fully Customizable Pixel Perfect Well-Organized Unique

MUSCLE – Gym, Yoga & Fitness Center Template

EXERCISE is a Gym Center, Fitness Center, Yoga Center Template. It’s a fresh and clean design. It’s a 100% bootstrap responsive design and compatible with all major browsers, tablets and phones. It’s built with Bootstrap, using HTML5, CSS3, JS and jQuery. You can easily change the text, color, images etc. It can be the best

Bonito Pro – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates & Web Apps Dashboards

All New Bonito PRO Bootstrap 4.1 Admin Dashboard Templates. You can use these templates for your application on any platforms. Dashboard 1 Widgets Weather Widgets UI Elements User Cards Tab Sweet Alert Notification New Forms Add Form Validation Form Wizard Code Editor Markdown Xeditable Editor Maps Google Map Vector Map Gallery Page Filter Option Popup

Car World – Vehicle Dealership Responsive Site Template

Introduction: Car World – Automotive, Motor Cars, Vehicle Dealership Responsive Site Template created especially for Car Dealer, Auto Dealer, Motor Dealer, Automotive website and any other automotive dealership business, who sell, buy, loan or lease vehicles via website. We designed a detailed homepage layouts that will fit any Automotive,Motor Cars, Vehicle Dealership websites. If your