Charie is a library for Charity NonProfit & Fundraising HTML Template with predefined web elements which helps you to build your own site. Charie Template has a fully responsive layout. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions from regular desktop screens to tablets, iPads, iPhones and small mobile devices. Charie provide you to build
Tag: fundraiser
Charipex – Charity & Nonprofit WordPress Theme
Charipex is a WordPress Charity Theme built for all kinds of Fundraising, Charity, Nonprofit, NGO, Foundation and charity organization. Theme Features 03 Homepage layout Elementor Page Builder Elementor Custom widget. Codestar Option Framework ( Save 49$ ) Powerful Option panel. WooCommerce FontAwesome, Flaticon integrated Clean, Trending and Modern Design One Click Demo Importer WPForms Mailchimp
Kologi – Charity Environment HTML5 Template
kologi is a library for Environment Charity & Fundraising HTML Template with predefined web elements which helps you to build your own site. kologi Template has a fully responsive layout. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions from regular desktop screens to tablets, iPads, iPhones and small mobile devices. kologi provide you to build
Funden – Crowdfunding & Charity HTML5 Template
Funden is a clean, creative, unique HTML5 template that fits for all kinds of crowdfunding, charity, nonprofit, NGO, donations and all other businesses, non-profit charity website, and an NGO. It has a purpose-oriented design, responsive layout, and special features like different Home pages, blog layouts, galleries, services, and pricing tables. This template easily customizable, fully
Sadakat – Charity Nonprofit React Template
Sadakat – Charity Nonprofit React Template Sadakat is a Fully Responsive React Template built on Reactstrap 4, Pure React js, Without jQuery. It’s a modern crafted React template which can be used for Charity Nonprofit React Template. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included a documentation folder
Khairah – Charity Nonprofit React Template
Khairah – Charity Nonprofit React Template Khairah is a Fully Responsive React Template built on Reactstrap 4, Pure React js, Without jQuery. It’s a modern crafted React template which can be used for Charity Nonprofit React Template. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included a documentation folder
Fande – Crowdfunding & Charity WordPress Theme
Fande – Crowdfunding & Charity WordPress Theme Fande is a clean, creative, unique HTML5 template which fits for all kinds of crowdfunding, charity, nonprofit, NGO, donations and all other businesses, non-profit charity website and an NGO. This Theme build with worlds most popular responsive CSS framework Bootstrap 4, Elementor, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and so many
Givest – Non Profit Gatsby Template
Gatsby is an open-source static website generator (SSG) based on React JS that can be used to craft static websites following the latest standards of Web development that are well optimized for speed and security. Givest is an exclusive web template powered by Gatsby that helps designers and web developers build a modern website for
Azino – Nonprofit Charity Vue Nuxt Template
Azino is a modern colorful Non-Profit Charity and Fundraising Vue Nuxt.Which fits for all kind of charity, fundraising, nonprofit, NGO, donations, church, Mosque and all other non-profit charity website, businesses and NGO. It is build with Vue Js, Nuxt Js. Note: This is a Vue Nuxt Js Template. It will not work with the WordPress/PHP
Givest – Charity Vue Nuxt JS Template
Givest is an innovative and impactful web template powered with the popular Vue JS framework specialized for charity/non-profit organizations. This amazing web developing tool gives you a chance to raise awareness for a good cause on the web. This efficient Vue Nuxt JS template is composed of a Homepage, About Page, Causes Page, Event Page,