RTL (Right-to-Left) Option Our Bootstrap-powered admin template offers seamless support for right-to-left languages. With just a click, you can switch the layout to RTL mode, ensuring a consistent and intuitive experience for users who read languages like Arabic, Hebrew, and Persian. Multiple Colors Option Express your brand’s personality with our admin template’s versatile color options.
Tag: express
Workload – Node Js Project Management Admin Dashboard Template
You will get Ejs Files jQuery and JavaScript files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Features 60+ Pages Available 6+ Pre Demo Available 6+ Menu Style Available 15+ Color Skin Use Light Gallery Light And Dark Mode Horizontal Navigation Available High Speed Performance Super Responsive for All Latest Browsers and Mobile Devices SEO Optimized Clean
Akademi – NodeJs School and Education Management Admin Dashboard Template
Admin dashboard templates are specifically designed for the backend or administrative sections of web applications. They often include components and layouts commonly found in admin interfaces, such as charts, tables, forms, notifications, and various UI elements. These templates can save developers a significant amount of time by providing a solid foundation for building the user
Mophy – NodeJs Payment Admin Dashboard Template
You will get Admin Template Multiple Color Options Ejs Files CSS And Sass files jQuery and JavaScript files Proper Documentation Font “Poppins”,sans-serif Support Send your queries on https://support.w3itexperts.com for any issues or problem you are facing regarding this product. Credits Nodejs https://nodejs.org/en Express https://expressjs.com/ EJS https://ejs.co/ Nodemon https://nodemon.io/ Bcrypt https://www.npmjs.com/package/bcrypt Amcharts https://www.amcharts.com Animate https://animate.style Apexchart
Tixia – Node Js Ticketing Admin Dashboard Bootstrap Template
You will get Ejs Files jQuery and JavaScript files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Features 60+ Pages Available 5+ Pre Demo Available 6+ Menu Style Available 15+ Color Skin Use Light Gallery Light And Dark Mode Horizontal Navigation Available High Speed Performance Super Responsive for All Latest Browsers and Mobile Devices SEO Optimized Clean
NexaDash – Node Js Admin & Dashboard Template
Admin dashboard templates are specifically designed for the backend or administrative sections of web applications. They often include components and layouts commonly found in admin interfaces, such as charts, tables, forms, notifications, and various UI elements. These templates can save developers a significant amount of time by providing a solid foundation for building the user
Jobick – Node Js Job Portal Admin & Dashboard Template
We proudly present Jobick, a Job Admin dashboard NodeJs Template, If you are hiring a job expert who would like to build a superb website for your Jobick, it’s the best choice. RTL (Right-to-Left) Option Our Bootstrap-powered admin template offers seamless support for right-to-left languages. With just a click, you can switch the layout to
Dashtar – React eCommerce Admin Template
Dashtar – React eCommerce Admin Template. This is an e-commerce admin template built with React Js and Tailwindcss with Rest API integration. This template backend is ready and is built with node, express, mongoose schema validation and uses MongoDB for the database. Actually, it’s a complete MERN project but you can use it according to
Go Fast-Transport & Logistics HTML Template
GoFast is a Multipurpose Responsive HTML Template created for logistics & transportation companies. Built with Bootstrap Framework with lots of features and options. Thank you for visiting. If you have any queries that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email. Do visit us again, thank you. Pages: 01.Home-01 02.Home-02