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Website Templates

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Tag: digital art

Magellano – NFT Marketplace HTML Template

Magellano is a clean and modern HTML 5 site template for NFTS marketplace, digital items, non-fungible tokens websites. Has been designed keeping in mind the Page Speed (very important for search engines ranking and user experience). Designed with mobile first approach, it looks nice, intuitive and user friendly on all devices. You can change primary colors

Funto – HTML NFT Marketplace

Funto – HTML NFT Marketplace It’s crafted with the latest trend of design & code with all modern approaches. It’s SEO-friendly, easy to customize, robust & multi-dimensional NFT marketplace HTML5 template. It’s suitable for all NFT marketplace, digital marketplace, crypto-collectibles, digital art websites. It’s 100% super responsive and it works nicely on smartphones, tablets, &

Nuron – NFT Marketplace HTML Template

Meet Nuron, a fully-featured HTML template for NFT Marketplace, We just released the fully coded version in HTML, CSS, JS Nuron is suitable for NFT marketplace, digital marketplace, crypto collectibles, NFT world buying selling, digital art, crypto art, DeFi website and non-fungible tokens. NFT Marketplace Template is a new method of payment on the Internet

Gible – React Next NFT Marketplace Template

Gible is a clean modern React Next template for NFT Crypto Art Digital Assets Marketplace website. It is built with ReactJS, Next.js, Strapi CMS, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap 5.x, and without any jQuery dependencies! This template is suitable for NFT marketplace, collectibles, NFT world buying selling, crypto art, digital art, and DeFi website. There are two versions

NFTPro – NFT Marketplace Template

NFTPro is an HTML template for the modern crypto art market which is made with modern features and technologies. It will be used for buying, selling various types of digital art products by using the NFT method. It will help people to get more familiar with the NFT and transection the products with the digital

Netstorm – Angular 12 NFT Marketplace

Netstorm – Angular 12 NFT Marketplace is a new method of payment on the Internet using electronic currency. Each of the NFTs is unique and exists in a single copy, it cannot be divided and all information about its author, buyer and all transactions with it is securely stored in the blockchain. Netstorm is a

Gigaland – NFT Marketplace React Js Template

Gigaland is a responsive, pixel-perfect, and the most complete React template for NFTS marketplace, crypto-collectibles, digital items, non-fungible tokens websites, and more. Gigaland has a lot of styles and elements to help you make beauty and modern website in no time. Gigaland is built with latest technologies like Bootstrap 5. Get Gigaland now! Features:– Used

NftMarket – NFT Marketplace Responsive HTML Template

NftMarket | NFT Marketplace HTML Template NftMarket is a NFT Marketplace Responsive HTML Template built on HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap5, jQuery. It’s an awesome HTML5 template which can be used for creating Digital NFT Marketplace. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included a documentation folder to describe the

Digikon – NFT Digital Asset Marketplace HTML Template

Digikon is a NFT ( non-fungible token ) Digital Asset Marketplace Html Template built on Bootstrap5, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery. Digikon is built on the platform of binance smart chain, focusing on NFT, and ease to Create, Buy, Sell, Auction and use NFTs. This is a nice and awesome template that can be used to

Gigaland – NFT Marketplace HTML Template

Gigaland is a responsive, well-designed, and pixel-perfect template for NFTS marketplace, crypto-collectibles, digital items, non-fungible tokens websites, and more. Gigaland has a lot of styles and elements to help you make beauty and modern website in no time. Gigaland is built with modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap, CSS3 Animation, and more. With over