Arter is an modern and unique creative HTML Template, attributes you won’t find in very many templates designed with the same purpose in mind. Arter is best suited for freelancers, developers, programmers, designers, coders or any other professions. Creating online resume and CV websites should no longer be a difficult. It is fully responsive, entirely
Tag: cv template
Dongo – vCard / Resume / CV Template
Dongo is a vCard / Resume / Portfolio, is best suited for developers, programmers, designers, freelancers, coders or any other professions It will help you to present your self even more smartly and easily. This template built with modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap 4. It’s easy to customize and also well documented so
Jules – Minimal Personal Portfolio HTML Template
Jules – Minimal Personal Portfolio HTML Template Jules – Minimal Portfolio HTML Template is for many purpose. It’s creative, minimal and clean design. It has all of the features of the business website. It’s suitable for any Personal Profile, Designer, Freelancer, Marketer, Work History, Projects and Other Personal Information Beautifully which need a professional way
Leven – Resume CV Template
Leven – Animated Resume / CV / vCard / Portfolio Template Leven – Resume / CV / vCard HTML Template — A premium tool to promote yourself. Ready to look stunning on any device – from a widescreen monitor to a mobile phone. 12 Beautiful Color schemes are built in and its easy to set
Leven – Personal Portfolio Template
Leven – Animated Resume / CV / vCard / Portfolio Template Leven – Resume / CV / vCard HTML Template — A premium tool to promote yourself. Ready to look stunning on any device – from a widescreen monitor to a mobile phone. 12 Beautiful Color schemes are built in and its easy to set
Pehchan – Resume/CV/Portfolio
Pehchan – Resume / CV / Portfolio Template is a perfect template for Portfolio Startups, web studio and creative agencies. Responsive based on Bootstrap. This is one page for placing your information. All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize. Main Features Based on Bootstrap Latest Version HTML5,
Neo – Creative Personal Portfolio Template
Neo – Creative Personal Portfolio Template. Neo is a one-page responsive portfolio layout which can be utilized to demonstrate your inventiveness. 3+ Home Pages Variants, Creative Portfolio, Transitions Page Animations and allows you to edit colors of elements at free will. Template is best suited for designer, developer, programmer, photographer, filmmaker, musicians, web designer, freelancer,
Vivanta – Minimal Personal Portfolio HTML Template
Vivanta – Minimal Personal Portfolio HTML Template Vivanta – Minimal Portfolio HTML Template is for many purpose. It’s creative, minimal and clean design. It has all of the features of the business website. It’s suitable for any Personal Profile, Designer, Freelancer, Marketer, Work History, Projects and Other Personal Information Beautifully which need a professional way
MySelf : Resume Bootstrap 4 Template
About MySelf MySelf : is a unique design template which is crafted specially for Resume/CV with covering multiple categories like designers, developers, accountants, model, agency, corporate firms, professional businesses. Template is specially design for all types of employee and have multiple color theme for different types of job category. It’s Exclusive design, trendy effects with
MySelf : Resume Bootstrap 4 Template
About MySelf MySelf : is a unique design template which is crafted specially for Resume/CV with covering multiple categories like designers, developers, accountants, model, agency, corporate firms, professional businesses. Template is specially design for all types of employee and have multiple color theme for different types of job category. It’s Exclusive design, trendy effects with