Tokyland is our new React ico Landing Page created for ICO Presentation and new Crypto coins, bitcoin mining websites, crypto currency exchange and trading, digital currencies, finances and business consulting. also a perfect Landing Page for online digital payment system. Considering the growing interest of public towards the crypto currencies and their rising popularity, this
Tag: Currency Exchange
Tradio – Cryptocurrency Exchange Dashboard Laravel Template
Tradio is the complete Cryptocurrency Exchange Laravel Template Sign in, Signup, Reset, OTP number, OTP code, About us, Privacy policy, Terms & Condition pages included. Pages: Landing Page Dashboard Exchange Data Affiliate API Accounts Preferences Security Settings Linked Account History Signin Signup Reset Locked OTP Number OTP Code Verify ID Upload ID ID Verifying ID
Tokyland – ICO and Crypto Bootstrap Template
Tokyland is our new ico Landing Page created for ICO Presentation and new Crypto coins, bitcoin mining websites, crypto currency exchange and trading, digital currencies, finances and business consulting. also a perfect Landing Page for online digital payment system. Considering the growing interest of public towards the crypto currencies and their rising popularity, this template
Crypo – Cryptocurrency Trading Dashboard Angular App
CRYPO – Cryptocurrency Trading Dashboard CRYPO is an Angular responsive bootstrap-based cryptocurrency trading dashboard. This template’s main aim is to provide a lot of well-coded components. You can use these components to build your next cryptocurrency or money exchange platform. By default, we provide 2 themes light and dark. you can easily customize your own
Boltz – React Crypto Admin and Dashboard Template
Template Features Built on Latest React Fully Responsive Ready to used widget Detailed Documentation Attractive Calendar Customizable React Bootstrap Components Invoice User Profile Timeline Summernote Markdown Form Examples Many Charts Options Form Validation Input Slider Advanced Form Elements Form Wizard Social Bootstrap Datatable Table Sorting React Table Date Picker Sortable & Nestable Noui Slider Sweetalert
Cryptlight – ICO Landing Page WordPress Theme
ICO Landing Page WordPress theme Cryptlight is perfect for ICO Agencies and Cryptocurrency Investment companies when they want to launch a new ICO for raising funds. With outstanding features of Cryptlight, you can showcase reasons why investors should choose your ico, benefits they receive and important documents they need to read to convince them of
DojoChain – Cryptocurrency Consulting WordPress Theme
DojoChain for WordPress has been carefully handcrafted for FinTech Industry, be it Crypto Blogging, ICO Landing page, Crypto Wallet, Professional Cryptocurrency and Investments Consulting Service, ICO Advisor or an Mining equipment online magazine. With hours of research put into finding out what makes a great fintech industry theme only to discover that a minimal approach
Crypo – Cryptocurrency Exchange Dashboard Vue App
CRYPO – Cryptocurrency Trading Dashboard CRYPO is a Vue responsive bootstrap-based cryptocurrency trading dashboard. This template’s main aim is to provide a lot of well-coded components. You can use these components to build your next cryptocurrency or money exchange platform. By default, we provide 2 themes light and dark. you can easily customize your own
UniCrypt – Cryptocurrency Landing Page HTML Template
UniCrypt is a clean, modern, stylish lading page for Cryptocurrency, bitcoin and ICO agency. any kind of creative agency website. Cryptocurrency is the next big thing in future world. The money is going to be replaced by the Cryptocurrency. Thats why lots of Cryptocurrency agency is launched everyday. UniCrypt is the best landing page for
Tradient – Cryptocurrency Exchange Vue App
Tradient is the complete Cryptocurrency Exchange VUE JS App Sign in, Signup, Phone and ID card verification, One-time password verify and add a bank, debit card settings and profile etc pages included. webpack Images images are occur in the preview but are NOT in the download. Changelog 1. v1.0 ———————————————————————————- – Initial Release.