WordPress Themes

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Website Templates

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Tag: craftsman

Craftly – Hobby and Crafts WordPress Theme

Craft is our new WordPress Theme, created for hand-made crafts, dolls, toys and gifts shop website. It’s bright and colorful and will definitely grab your visitors’ attention to it! Having a website for craft goods is a great idea because a decent Internet presence is a wonderful chance to promote your product all over the

CarpenterPro – HTML for Carpenter & Craftsman

Our new HTML Template is crafted particularly for companies who provide Carpenter and Craftsman services, as well as it fits perfectly for any wooden services. Features latest Bootstrap Framework HTML5 CSS3 TechnologyUnique effects and functionality Smooth transition effects Cross Browser Optimisation Parallax Background Image Full Width Awesome Gallery Showcase Pages Creative Blog Pages 500+ Font

Welder Pro – WordPress Theme for Welding Contractor

Our new WordPress Theme is crafted particularly for companies who provide Welding Services. Welder Pro theme has beautiful and unique design that will be best suited for your online web presence. It has 100% responsive design and tested on all major handheld devices. Responsive Website Work on WordPress 4.5+ Visual Composer Page Builder Revolution Slider