Watson – is Professional, Clean, Creative eye-catching vCard/resume Template. You can use this template for vCard, Resume, Portfolio, CV, Photography, Freelancer, Art, Illustration and many more. It has 36 page transition, 6 color schemes to choose from. All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize. Features Html5 &
Tag: business card
Taso – Personal Portfolio Template
Taso is a Professional Online vCard, template which mainly focused on developers, freelancers, digital professionals, musicians and photographers. It is fully responsive and easy for you to edit. PHP contact form included. 9+ Different homepages has also blog page with well documentation . Main Features: Bootstrap 4 Framework (V4.1.1) HTML5 and CSS3 Validation Scroll To
Patrick – Personal vCard / Resume / CV Template
Patrick – Personal vCard / Resume / CV Template — Perfect to promote your work. Fully responsive and easy for you to edit. 6 Different Color schemes and easy to set any color to elements such as links, buttons, menu links, etc. Template focused on web developers, digital professionals, programmers or photographers. Features: 6 Color
Ryan – vCard / Resume / CV Template
vCard & Resume Template — Perfect to promote your work. Fully responsive and easy for you to edit. 6 Different Color schemes and easy to set any color to elements such as links, buttons, menu links, etc. Template focused on web developers, digital professionals, programmers or photographers. Changelog: Version 1.0.0 – Default Features: – 6
Neil – Responsive Personal Bootstrap 4 Template
Mr.Neil is a Super Clean and Super expert individual portfolio format. You can utilize this any individual territory like a Personal resume, cv, Web plan, photography, business, specialist, instructor and some more. It’s Super simple to redo and furthermore very much archived so it’ll suit your requirements. On the off chance that you will utilize
JM – Minimal Resume/CV Template
JM CV :is an elegant and attractive page. All files are organized clearly. We believe it will be easy to use and edit .. Main Features: Build With Bootstrap v4.0.0 100% Responsive Clean & Modern Design Valid HTML5 Easy Editable Section 2 background color. Light / dark 4 color type Smooth Transition Fonts Awesome Icons
bob – Personal One Page Template
bob is a one page portfolio template, responsive based on Bootstrap. This is one page for placing your information. All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize. Main Features Home Page Based on Bootstrap 4 HTML5, sass, jQuery 100% Responsive Working Contact Form With Ajex Easy to Customize
Rx – Personal Portfolio Template
Rx is a clean and creative portfolio resume HTML template. You can use this any personal area like Personal resume, cv, Web design, photography, business, doctor, teacher and many more. We hope that you will be satisfied. If you will be using our theme Rx, obviously you attracted. Special Features Full responsive W3C Validate HTML
Jonny – One Page HTML Template
Jonny. – Modern Porftolio & Personal Template.Selena is suitable for personal, portfolio, designer, freelance, and another websites. It is a high performance template it’s help to load your website fast and it’s fully optimize and clean code help search engine to optimize website. Based on Bootstrap. Features Modern and Clean design Working Form Fully Responsive
Neil Dove – Personal One Page Portfolio Template
Neil Dove is a Simple, Modern, Clean and Responsive HTML5 OnePage Template. The template is fully responsive and it’s built with modern technologies like LESS, HTML5, CSS3, Latest jQuery, BootStrap. It is responsive with clean modern design. All code is clean and well commented. Main Features Creative, Clean, Modern Template Fully Responsive LESS, HTML5, CSS3,