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Tag: bootstrap5

BodyShape – React Fitness, Workout & Gym Template

Template Features Home Page 19+ Inner Pages Sass Compatible Bootstrap v5 Sass Compatible Fully Responsive Pricing Plan Contact Form Services Portfolio Key Feature Use Google Fonts Use Swiper Slider Coming Soon Page Error Page Blog Page Router Animation Effects Credits Node Sass: https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-sass Flaticon :https://www.flaticon.com/ React Bootstrap : https://react-bootstrap.github.io/ React Count Up :https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-countup Themify icons

BodyClub – Fitness, Workout & Gym HTML Template

You will get HTML Files JavaScript files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Font “Poppins”,sans-serif Support Send your queries on https://support.w3itexperts.com for any issues or problem you are facing regarding this product. Important Note : Images used in the demo are not provided in download package. License Regular license: Use, by you or one client,

Foodio – Fast Food & Restaurant HTML Template

Foodio is a Restaurant, Fast Food & online ordering HTML template. You can use this template for any kind of online Food website. Foodio has 3 innovative home pages layout and 50+ creative elements. Shop pages are included in this template. It’s fully responsive on all media devices and based on the Bootstrap 5 grid

BodyShape – Fitness, Workout & Gym HTML Template

You will get HTML Files JavaScript files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Font “Poppins”,sans-serif Support Send your queries on https://support.w3itexperts.com for any issues or problem you are facing regarding this product. Important Note : Images used in the demo are not provided in download package. License Regular license: Use, by you or one client,

Maffei – NFT Marketplace Bootstrap 5 Templates

Maffei – NFT Marketplace Bootstrap 5 Templates Maffei, a fully-featured HTML template for NFT Marketplace, We just released the fully coded version in HTML, CSS, JS Maffei is suitable for NFT marketplace, digital marketplace, crypto collectibles, NFT world buying selling, digital art, crypto art, DeFi website and non-fungible tokens. NFT Marketplace Template is a new

HUD – React 18 Bootstrap Admin Template

HUD is the world first hud style admin template which built on top of the popular framework Bootstrap 5.2.3. Concept of design for HUD Admin is based on the HUD ui design and finally it comes out with a clean and neat design. It is built on top of the popular Bootstrap Framework. Besides that,

Cryptoon – Crypto React Admin Template

Regular License ( $14 )Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee. Extended License ( $399 )Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for.

vCamp- React Agency & React Portfolio Template

12$ Only for Limited time intro offer. Regular price is $29. Don’t miss this vCamp – Creative Agency & Portfolio React Template is a multipurpose modern creative portfolio and agency. vCamp is compatible with any type of corporate, business, eCommerce, agencies, portfolio, freelancers, portfolio agency, web design company, web designer to showcase their services, work,

Foodia – Food Restaurant Mobile App Template ( Bootstrap 5 + PWA )

Template Features Use Bootstrap PWA Ready Dark And Light Mode Multiple Color Option 100+ Elements Google Fonts Sidebar Menu User Profile Easy to customize You will get HTML Files JavaScript Files CSS And Sass Files Proper Documentation Font “Lato”, sans-serif “Roboto”,sans-serif Support Send your queries on https://support.w3itexperts.com for any issues or problem you are facing

Bookland – Bookstore E-commerce Bootstrap 5 HTML Template

Template Features 2+ Home Variations +40 Inner Pages Sass Compatible Bootstrap v5.1.3 Mega Menu Use Google Fonts Working Contact Form Use Swiper Slider Animation Effects Magnific Popup W3 Validator Google reCAPTCHA Credits Bootstrap https://getbootstrap.com/ Swiper js https://swiperjs.com/ jQuery https://jquery.com/ aos https://michalsnik.github.io/aos/ Animatehttps://animate.style/ imagesloadedhttps://imagesloaded.desandro.com/ Magnific Popuphttps://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/ Masonryhttps://isotope.metafizzy.co/ Flaticonhttps://www.flaticon.com/ Fontawesomehttps://fontawesome.com/ Line Awesomehttps://icons8.com/line-awesome Themify iconshttps://themify.me/themify-icons You will get