Nixlot – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard HTML5 jquery responsive css Multipurpose use Template. This admin template Includes 100+ HTML Pages & 70+ jquery css Plugins. Multipurpose Use 5 pre built dashboard designs. We have Designed Left menu & Horizontal menu Light & bootstrap dark theme fully responsive design. this admin portal template has a clean
Tag: bootstrap admin template
Pearl Admin Dashboard Template WebApp
Pearl Admin Dashboard can be used for admin dashboard Applications for your clients and company. Pearl Admin Dashboard is Fully responsive admin dashboard template for Data analytical concept and theory. It is a unique dashboard with features visits, monthly revenue and performance tracking. We have developed this admin template by unique and minimal look of
Amita – Bootstrap 4 Multipurpose Admin Dashboard Template
Description: Amita admin is a fully responsive bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template. It has multiple dashboard concepts. It has included multiple graphical components. This template is fully responsive so that it can be used on any device like a mobile tablet and desktop. The code quality is very clean and developer-friendly so that every developer
Flaira – Bootstrap HTML Admin Template
Flaira – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard HTML5 Multipurpose use Template. This admin Dashboard template Includes 90+ HTML Pages & 40+ Plugins. Multipurpose Use pre built dashboard design. We have Designed Left menu & Horizontal menu also Light & Dark Versions. It has a clean and corporate blue color dashboard design and comes with several modern
Dashlead – Admin Panel HTML Template
Dashlead – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard HTML5 Multipurpose use Template. This admin Dashboard template Includes 80+ HTML Pages & 50+ Plugins. Multipurpose Use pre built dashboard design. We have Designed Left menu & Horizontal menu also Light & Dark Versions. It has a clean and corporate dashboard design and comes with several modern jQuery plugins
DashboardX Bootstrap 4 Admin Template
DashboardX can be used for Dashboard Applications for your clients and company. It is a unique dashboard with features income and performance tracking. We have developed this admin template by unique and minimal look of the CRM’s software. Bootstrap 4.2 with SASS. DashboardX is Fully responsive admin dashboard template for Data analytical concept and theory.
Indoui – Admin Bootstrap 4 Dashboard HTML Template
Indoui – Bootstrap Admin panel Dashboard HTML Template. This admin template Includes 180+ HTML Pages & 45+ Plugins. This Template Included Left Menu, Top Menu & Light & Dark Versions Included. It has a Clean creative dashboard design layout and comes with several jQuery Plugins, Awesome cool color, charts, custom Tables and calendars. There are
Dashlot – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard HTML Template
Dashlot – Bootstrap 4 Admin panel Dashboard HTML Template. This admin template Includes 120+ HTML Pages & 40+ Plugins. 4 Pre built Dashboard variations It has a clean creative dashboard design layout and comes with several morden jQuery plugins included, Awesome cool colors, charts, custom Tables and calendars. There are 4 different Dashboards like CRM
Smix – Bootstrap 4 Admin HTML Template
Smix – Bootstrap Admin panel Dashboard HTML Template. This admin template Includes 180+ HTML Pages & 40+ Plugins. It has a Clean creative dashboard design layout and comes with several jQuery Plugins, Awesome cool color, charts, custom Tables and calendars. There are prebuilt 5 different Dashboards Available which can use be used for multipurpose. Advanced
Royal Hospital – Clean & Minimal Bootstrap Admin Dashboards
Royal Hospitals A simple and unique Bootstrap 4 Hospital admin template designed for Hospitals, Health Clinics, Doctors, Dentists, and Medical/Health organization. It comes with great features, UI components, and widgets. It includes 14 Demos, Doctors List Page, Patients List Page, Add Doctor Page, Hospital Reviews Page, Hospital Locations, Forms, Tables, Graphs, Contacts, News and Events,