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Tag: blade template laravel

Maxton – Laravel 11, Yii, CodeIgnitor Admin & Dashboard Template

Description: Maxton Laravel admin is based on the Laravel 11 and Bootstrap 5 frameworks. It is a powerful and developer-friendly admin template. It is based on sass. It includes color, light, and dark dashboards. It has a huge collection of UI components with the latest jQuery bootstrap plugins. It is fully responsive and works with

Maxton – Laravel 11 & Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template

Description: Maxton Laravel admin is based on the Laravel 11 and Bootstrap 5 frameworks. It is a powerful and developer-friendly admin template. It is based on sass. It includes color, light, and dark dashboards. It has a huge collection of UI components with the latest jQuery bootstrap plugins. It is fully responsive and works with

Syndron – Laravel 8 + Bootstrap 5 Admin Template

Description Syndron Laravel is a fully responsive bootstrap 5 and Laravel 8 admin dashboard template. It is built with bootstrap 5 framework, HTML5, CSS, and JQuery. It works on all major web browsers, desktops, and all smartphone devices. It is a very easy-to-customize and developer-friendly template. It has a vast collection of UI components with

Rocker – Laravel 8 + Bootstrap 5 Admin Template

Description Rocker Laravel is a fully responsive bootstrap 5 and Laravel 8 admin dashboard template. It is built with bootstrap 5 framework, HTML5, CSS, and JQuery. It works on all major web browsers, desktops, and all smartphone devices. It is a very easy-to-customize and developer-friendly template. It has a vast collection of UI components with

Dashtreme – Laravel 8+ Bootstrap5 Admin Template

Description Dashtreme is a fully responsive bootstrap 5 and Laravel 8 admin dashboard template. It is built with bootstrap 5 framework, HTML5, CSS, and JQuery. It works on all major web browsers, desktops, and all smartphone devices. It is a very easy-to-customize and developer-friendly template. It has a vast collection of UI components with the

Dashfox – Laravel Admin Template

Dashfox – Multipurpose use laravel admin template design SCSS & CSS includes. This is laravel admin panel dashboard template Includes 60+ jquery css Plugins. Multipurpose Use pre built bootstrap 4 laravel framework with using scss & css. We have designed html responsive Left menu & Horizontal menu, Light & dark colors premium quality bootstrap admin

Gymove – Fitness Admin Dashboard Laravel Bootstrap Template

Template Features Laravel HTML MIX (Starter Kit) Laravel 8 with Laravel integration Left side menu dashboard design PHP Framework Laravel MVC architecture Support Package management with NPM 30+ Plugins Charts (apexChart, chartJs, Flot, Morris, Peity, Sparkline) Responsive Bootstrap 4 Framework Very Easy to Create your Own Site Well Commented Code Data Tables Easy to customize

Vora – Saas Admin Dashboard Laravel 8.x Template

Template Features Laravel HTML MIX (Starter Kit) Laravel 8 with Laravel integration Left side menu dashboard design PHP Framework Laravel MVC architecture Support Package management with NPM 30+ Plugins Charts (apexChart, chartJs, Flot, Morris, Peity, Sparkline) Responsive Bootstrap 4 Framework Very Easy to Create your Own Site Well Commented Code Data Tables Easy to customize

Spruha – Laravel Admin & Dashboard Template

Spruha – Multipurpose use laravel admin template design SCSS & CSS includes. This is laravel admin panel dashboard template Includes 90+ HTML Pages & 70+ jquery css Plugins. Multipurpose Use pre built bootstrap 4 laravel framework with using scss & css. We have designed html responsive Left menu & Horizontal menu, Light & dark colors

Yoha – Laravel Dashboard Template

Yoha – laravel bootstrap admin template. This laravel admin dashboard template Includes PHP Pages & 60+ Plugins. It has a clean laravel simple admin panel design and comes with several jQuery Plugins, Awesome cool colors, charts, custom Tables and Dashboard which can use be used for multipurpose. This laravel admin panel frontend template Advanced Form-Elements