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Tag: admin

Cion – Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Cion – Bootstrap 5 Dashboard Template Cion Admin is a full featured, multipurpose, premium bootstrap admin template built with Bootstrap 5 Framework, HTML5, CSS and JQuery.It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with latest jQuery plugins. It can be used for all type of Web applications like custom admin panel, app

W3CRM – Codeigniter Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

You will get php Files jQuery and JavaScript files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Features 70+ HTML Pages Available 6+ Menu Style Available 15+ Color Skin Use Light Gallery Light And Dark Theme Horizontal Navigation Available High Speed Performance Super Responsive for All Latest Browsers and Mobile Devices SEO Optimized Clean Coded Free Google

Vixon – HTML & Laravel 10 Admin Template

Vixon is a fully responsive and premium Laravel 10 Vite & Bootstrap 5.3.0-alpha2 Admin & Dashboard Template. Whether you’re creating a Web App, Dashboards, Admin Panels, eCommerce App or SASS-based interface using HTML or Laravel then you are at the right place to buy a Vixon admin dashboard template. We have used Vite & gulp-based

Shreyu – Tailwind Admin & Dashboard Template

Shreyu is a fully featured premium admin and dashboard template, built using Tailwind CSS 3. It comes with tons of carefully designed flexible components, UI elements, application pages, etc. The theme is fully responsive and works across all modern/supported browsers, devices. The well structured code allows easy customization and helps to build a modern web

Bankco – React Tailwind Admin Templates

Bankco – React Tailwind Admin Templates Bankco – React Tailwind Admin Templates is a stylish and contemporary admin template built for banking and financial management applications using React and Tailwind CSS. Bankco – React Tailwind Admin Templates provides a comprehensive solution equipped with all the essential features and tools needed to develop an effective and

Velonic – PHP Admin & Dashboard Template

Velonic – PHP Admin & Dashboard Template is a fully featured premium admin template built on top of awesome Bootstrap 5.3.0 & PHP, modern web technology HTML5, SCSS and jQuery. It has many ready to use hand crafted components. The template is fully responsive, easy to customize, and the code is super easy to understand

Minia – Laravel 10 Tailwind CSS Admin & Dashboard Template

Minia crafted using modern web technologies HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Tailwind, Laravel, Vite, Jetstream, jQuery And Much more. It has 2+ different layouts and 2 modes ( Dark & Light ). You can simply change to any layout or mode by changing a couple of lines of code. You can start small and large projects or

Adminto – Laravel Admin Dashboard Template

Adminto is a fully featured premium admin template built on top of awesome Bootstrap 5.2.3 and Laravel 10 (Vite), modern web technology HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. It has many ready-to-use hand-crafted components. The theme is fully responsive and easy to customize. The code is super easy to understand and gives power to any developer to

Skote – React + Laravel Admin & Dashboard Template

Skote is a fully featured premium admin dashboard template in React + Laravel 10 with Laravel API Authentication and developer-friendly codes. We have not used jQuery in this template its pure React + Laravel admin template with components based only. Skote is an admin dashboard template that is a beautifully crafted, clean & minimal designed