Osen is a powerful, premium React 19, Next Js and Bootstrap 5, this theme combines the latest web technologies for a smooth, high-performance experience. Its fully responsive design and vast customization options allow developers to tailor the interface precisely to project needs, whether for business analytics, content management, or ecommerce platforms. Osen’s clean, intuitive layout
Tag: admin
Rizz – Nodejs Admin & Dashboard Template
Rizz – Nodejs is a fully featured responsive admin & dashboard template. We have used gulp-based build tools and SCSS variables-based modes along supported. You can quickly change the sidebar color or mode by changing data attributes only instead of changing huge lines of code. We have written complete minimal code for the beautiful UI.
Rizz – Svelte Admin & Dashboard Template
Rizz – Svelte 4 is a fully featured responsive admin & dashboard template. We have used gulp-based build tools and SCSS variables-based modes along supported. You can quickly change the sidebar color or mode by changing data attributes only instead of changing huge lines of code. We have written complete minimal code for the beautiful
WowDash – Tailwind, Bootstrap, React, Next, Django, Php, Laravel ASP.net Admin Dashboard
WowDash – Multiframework – Admin Dashboard Template Flash Sale! 50% Off Sale 2024 Awesome Demo Here WowDash – The Ultimate Multiframework – Admin Dashboard Template Designed for Efficiency. Built for Versatility. Why Choose WowDash Admin Dashboard Demo One : AI Demo Two : CRM Demo Three : eCommerce Demo Four : Cryptocurrency Demo Five :
WowDash – Tailwind, Bootstrap, React, Next, Django, Php, Laravel ASP.net Admin Dashboard Templa
WowDash – Multiframework – Admin Dashboard Template Awesome Demo Here WowDash – The Ultimate Multiframework – Admin Dashboard Template Designed for Efficiency. Built for Versatility. Why Choose WowDash Admin Dashboard Demo One : AI Demo Two : CRM Demo Three : eCommerce Demo Four : Cryptocurrency Demo Five : Investment Demo Six: Education LMS Demo
Greeva – ASP.Net Core 9 & MVC5 Admin Dashboard Template
Greeva is a premium admin template crafted to simplify web development. Built with ASP.Net Core 9x, MVC5, Bootstrap 5 and modern web technologies like HTML5 and CSS3, this template is fully responsive and highly customizable. Designed with precision, Greeva features a clean and intuitive interface that effortlessly adapts to any device or browser, making it
AdminX Laravel 11(Vite) Admin Dashboard Template
AdminX Laravel(vite) Admin Dashboard Template AdminX – Laravel(vite) Admin Dashboard Template – A versatile, powerful, and modern responsive Laravel Admin Template designed for clean and efficient management dashboards. A powerful admin template built especially for develop friendly Admin Features Using Laravel 4 Different Dashboard SCSS Used Calender Invoice Kanban Board Profile App Timeline App FAQ
Dashtail HTML – Tailwind, Alpine Js Admin Dashboard Template
DashTail HTML – Tailwind CSS & Alpine.js Admin Dashboard Template Powerful and Versatile Alpine.js Admin Dashboard Template DashTail HTML is a developer-friendly, ready-to-use admin template designed for building attractive, scalable, and high-performing web applications, powered by the cutting-edge technologies of Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS Features DashTail HTML is a most developer-friendly & highly customizable admin
Midone – Tailwind CSS 4, Alpine Js, Admin Template
Tailwind CSS 4 & Alpine Js Admin Dashboard Template Midone is a responsive and feature-rich admin template built using the utility-first CSS framework Tailwind CSS. It is perfect for developers looking for a ready-made, developer-friendly, and highly customizable admin dashboard. The template includes a wide range of pre-designed UI components and utility classes that can
Rasket – React Admin Dashboard Template
Rasket stands as a comprehensive premium React.js admin UI Kit Template, harnessing the capabilities of Bootstrap v5.3.3 alongside contemporary web technologies such as SCSS, and JS, all enveloped in a sleek new brutalist design aesthetic. Laden with meticulously crafted components, this UI Kit ensures full responsiveness and high customizability, and boasts intuitive code to grasp,