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Tag: admin dashboard

Acara – React (Vite) Ticketing Admin Dashboard Template

Template Features Vite v5.4.8 React v^18.3.1 1 Dashboard Awesome Customized Slider React js Fully Responsive Invoice Attractive Calendar User Profile Customizable React Bootstrap Components Detailed Documentation Timeline Ready to used widget CkEditor Input Slider Markdown Form Examples Social Form Validation Bootstrap Wizard Toaster Many Charts Options Advanced Form Elements Sweetalert Table Sorting Light Gallery Datatable

Xintra – Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard HTML Template

Introducing Xintra – The Ultimate Tailwind CSS Admin and Dashboard Template Xintra tailwind dashboard is a premier user admin panel template designed specifically for modern web developers and designers. It provides a seamless, responsive user experience, making it perfect for managing and visualizing data in web applications. By combining the power of an tailwind admin

Vora – VueJs SaaS Admin Dashboard Template

Template Features VueJs v3.4.29 Vite 5.3.1 Nodejs 20.10.0 Pinia Awesome Customized Slider Responsive in Any Device Light Gallery Light And Dark Mode Attractive Calendar Well Commented Code Smooth Transition Effects Integrated with FontAwesome & Flaticon Creative and Modern Design Fast, Lightweight & Powerful Easily Customizable Detailed Documentation High Resolution Clean And Professional Coding Multiple Blog

Fillow – Node Js Saas Admin Dashboard Template

Elevate your administrative efficiency and enhance productivity with the Fillow SaaS Admin Dashboard Template. Designed to streamline your tasks, this powerful tool provides a user-friendly interface, robust features, and customizable options, making it the ideal choice for managing your data and operations with ease. Dark and Light Mode Enhance user comfort and reduce eye strain

FinLab – Crypto Trading Vue JS Admin Dashboard Template

Unlock the full potential of data through the FinLab Crypto Trading Admin Dashboard Template. Seamlessly optimize your cryptocurrency trading activities with this elegantly designed and user-friendly dashboard, meticulously crafted to elevate both your financial insights and operational efficiency Multiple Colors Option Express your brand’s personality with our admin template’s versatile color options. Choose from a

Mophy – NodeJs Payment Admin Dashboard Template

You will get Admin Template Multiple Color Options Ejs Files CSS And Sass files jQuery and JavaScript files Proper Documentation Font “Poppins”,sans-serif Support Send your queries on https://support.w3itexperts.com for any issues or problem you are facing regarding this product. Credits Nodejs https://nodejs.org/en Express https://expressjs.com/ EJS https://ejs.co/ Nodemon https://nodemon.io/ Bcrypt https://www.npmjs.com/package/bcrypt Amcharts https://www.amcharts.com Animate https://animate.style Apexchart

Vora – React (Vite) Sass Admin Dashboard Template

Template Features Vite Dashboard Awesome Customized Slider React 18 Responsive in Any Device React Bootstrap Attractive Calendar Well Commented Code Smooth Transition Effects Integrated with FontAwesome & Flaticon Creative and Modern Design Fast, Lightweight & Powerful Easily Customizable Detailed Documentation High Resolution Clean And Professional Coding Multiple Blog Pages Included Fast performance Fast Loading Speed

Silva – CodeIgniter Admin Dashboard Template

Silva – CodeIgniter is a responsive admin dashboard template for seamless web application management. Using the latest HTML5, CSS3, and the powerful Bootstrap v5.3.3 and CodeIgniter framework, Silva works smoothly with PHP. It features a clean, user-friendly interface with various attractive styles and a full-screen layout, making it perfect for admin dashboards. With Yarn and

Bsinx – Ultimate Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Presenting Bsinx Multipurpose HTML Dashboard Template A modern Bootstrap admin template is a fully responsive, mobile-first framework designed for creating powerful web-based dashboards. It utilizes Bootstrap 5 for a clean, minimalistic, and user-friendly interface. These templates come equipped with customizable components, such as charts, tables, forms, and widgets, allowing for data visualization and management. They

Worldnic – PHP Admin Dashboard Bootstrap Template

PHP Admin dashboard templates are specifically designed for the backend or administrative sections of web applications. They often include components and layouts commonly found in admin interfaces, such as charts, tables, forms, notifications, and various UI elements. These templates can save developers a significant amount of time by providing a solid foundation for building the