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Tag: admin dashboard

Fito – React (Vite) Fitness Admin Dashboard Template

Template Features Vite v5.4.10 Dark Mode Fully Responsive Invoice Social Timeline Form Examples Many Charts Options User Profile Form Validation Advanced Form Elements Form Wizard Datatable Table Sorting Light Gallery Ready to used widget CKEditor Date Picker React Table Sortable Sweetalert Toaster Scroll Chatbox Attractive Calendar Router Detailed Documentation Customizable React Bootstrap Components All Files

Silva – Django & HTML Admin Dashboard Template

Silva – Django & Bootstrap 5 is a responsive admin dashboard template for seamless web application management. Using the latest HTML5, CSS3, and the powerful Bootstrap v5.3.3 and Django 5 framework. Silva works smoothly with Python. It features a clean, user-friendly interface with various attractive styles and a full-screen layout, making it perfect for admin

Dosix – Admin & Dashboard Template

Dosix is a fully responsive and premium Bootstrap 5.3.3 Admin & Dashboard Template. Whether you’re creating a Web App, Doctors Dashboards, Admin Panels, eCommerce App, Learning, CRM, or Real Estate then you are at the right place to buy a Dosix admin dashboard template. Fully responsive with RTL supported. You can quickly change the layout

Velvet – Django Bootstrap Admin Template

Introducing Velvet – The Ultimate Django Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Velvet django dashboard is a premium bootstrap admin & dashboard template, expertly designed for modern web developers and designers.Velvet django dashboard template offers a smooth, responsive user experience, perfectly designed for managing and visualizing data within a Bootstrap template using Django. By combining django with

Adminox – Laravel 11 Admin & Dashboard Template

Adminox is a powerful and fully responsive Laravel 11x admin UI kit designed to provide everything you need for modern web applications. Built using Laravel 11x, Bootstrap 5.3.3, CSS3, and jQuery, Adminox combines robust backend capabilities with a sleek, flat design and an extensive collection of ready-made components. With clean, modular code, Adminox is optimized

Duralux – PHP Admin & Dashboard Template

Unleash the power of efficiency with Duralux, the ultimate Admin Dashboard template that revolutionizes how you manage your business. Seamlessly navigate through your admin tasks and track essential metrics with ease using our meticulously designed dashboard. With a sleek dark version and responsive Bootstrap 5 framework, Duralux ensures a seamless user experience across devices. Say

Velvet – Django Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Introducing Velvet – The Ultimate Django Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Velvet django dashboard is a premium bootstrap admin & dashboard template, expertly designed for modern web developers and designers.Velvet django dashboard template offers a smooth, responsive user experience, perfectly designed for managing and visualizing data within a Bootstrap template using Django. By combining django with

Qerza – PHP Job Portal Admin Dashboard Bootstrap Template

Admin dashboard templates are specifically designed for the backend or administrative sections of web applications. They often include components and layouts commonly found in admin interfaces, such as charts, tables, forms, notifications, and various UI elements. These templates can save developers a significant amount of time by providing a solid foundation for building the user

Xintra – PHP Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template

Introducing Xintra – The Ultimate PHP Tailwind CSS Admin and Dashboard Template Xintra admin dashboard is a premier PHP tailwind CSS admin dashboard template, carefully crafted for modern web developers and designers.Xintra tailwind css admin dashboard provides a seamless, responsive user experience, making it ideal for managing and visualizing data in web templates. By combining

Gymove – PHP Fitness Admin Dashboard Bootstrap Template

You will get PHP & HTML Files jQuery and JavaScript files CSS And Sass files Proper Documentation Font “Poppins”,sans-serif Support Send your queries on https://support.w3itexperts.com for any issues or problems you are facing regarding this product. Important Note: Images used in the demo are not provided in the download package. Credits Amcharts https://www.amcharts.com Animate https://animate.style