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Tag: admin dashboard

FlareUI Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

FlareUI Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template FlareUI Admin is a full featured, multipurpose, premium bootstrap admin template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS and JQuery. It is a fully responsive bootstrap admin template / bootstrap admin dashboard template that comes with a huge collection of reusable UI components & plugins. Benefits of using FlareUI Bootstrap

Mixboard – Bootstrap 4 Admin Responsive Template

Mixboard admin dashboard is a powerful light weight bootstrap 4 template. Allows it to be easily customised. Fully responsive template which is adapted for make projects responsive and with quality design. With clean and structure code. Lot of quality pre designed widgets, tabs, modals, forms, cards, buttons.. etc ready for projects. Pages , modal windows,

RoxerPro – Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

RoxerPro Admin Template is a premium admin dashboard template with flat design concept. It is fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.x Framework, HTML5 and CSS3. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components integrated with jQuery plugins. It can be used for all type of web applications like custom admin panel,

Inspire – Bootstrap 4 Dashboard and Admin Template

Inspire is Bootstrap 4 Based Multi-purpose Admin and Dashboard Template + UI Kit. It Comes with 40+ Dashboard Specific Pages and 300+ UI Elements. The Template Has 6 Variations So, You can Have Multiple Options to Select For Your Project. Inspire is a Clean and Refreshing Designed Dashboard Template Packed With All Essential Widgets, Components

Bizadmin – Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates + UI Kit

Biz Admin is a popular open source WebApp template for admin dashboards and control panels. Biz Admin is a fully responsive HTML template that is based on the CSS framework Bootstrap 4. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can

Dashlabpro – Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Overview Dashlabpro Admin is a full-featured, multipurpose, premium bootstrap admin template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS and JQuery. It is a fully responsive bootstrap admin template/bootstrap admin dashboard template that comes with a huge collection of reusable UI components & plugins. We believe – we have covered everything you need to set up

Cryptocurrency Dashboard Admin Template – Coindash

Condash is a multi-purpose admin template you can use for crypto currency admin pages or you can build dasbard admin for any other purposes using its customizable & flexible design layouts and widgets. Coindash Features: Responsive Design 6 Dashboard Layouts Dark and Light Versions 50+ HTML Pages Built with Bootstrap Lot of Widgets to choose

DAdmin – Responsive Bootstrap Admin Dashboard

DAdmin is a Responsive Bootstrap HTML Admin Dashboard designed to build any kinds of Admin Dashboard Panel. It’s an HTML5 template based on latest stable Bootstrap 4.1.1. Anyone can easily update/edit this template to follow our Well Sorted Documentation. Main Features of DAdmin: Bootstrap 4 Framework Fully Responsive Pages Clean Design Vector Maps Included Retina Ready

Admintres – Responsive Bootstrap Admin & Powerful UI Kit

Admintres is a Responsive Bootstrap based web UI kit, powered by Grunt, Bower, and SCSS. It’s very easy to customize and developer friendly. It is a professional package that comes with plenty of UI components, widgets, forms, tables, charts, pages and applications. It is mobile first layout and is based on Bootstrap framework. Each component

Bonito Pro – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates & Web Apps Dashboards

All New Bonito PRO Bootstrap 4.1 Admin Dashboard Templates. You can use these templates for your application on any platforms. Dashboard 1 Widgets Weather Widgets UI Elements User Cards Tab Sweet Alert Notification New Forms Add Form Validation Form Wizard Code Editor Markdown Xeditable Editor Maps Google Map Vector Map Gallery Page Filter Option Popup