WordPress Themes

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Website Templates

Find the best website template for your project. Select a type of template you need or check out all the Website Templates we have in our collection.

Zest: Multi-Concept React Admin Template

Zest: React Admin is a Multi Concept / Multi Purpose premium admin dashboard theme based on powerful React framework, Bootstrap 4 along with Reactstrap and create-react-app. It is specially designed to give your admin panel a unique and elegant look. It is easy to customize and coded in developer friendly manner. It is Multi-concept theme

Architect – ReactJS Bootstrap 4 Admin UI Dashboard Theme

ArchitectUI is a Modern ReactJS Bootstrap 4 Admin UI Dashboard Template Developers shouldn’t be designers! With Architect they can just put some components together and voila, the app looks like it was designed by a pro. ArchitectUI is built for ReactJS powered applications. It includes lots of components, elements and widgets so that developers don’t

Apex – React Redux Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Apex – React Redux Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template is the most developer friendly & highly customisable React + Redux Dashboard Admin Template based on Create React App, Redux & BS 4. We’ve followed best industry standards to make our product easy, fast & highly scalable to work with. Apex is the most convenient react

Webmin – React JS Admin Dashboard Template

Webmin React JS Admin Dashboard Template is a powerful light weight react js webapp template for backend admin panels. It includes 20+ Page Templates, 20+ Ready to Use react Components, Unique Dashboard and lots more for your backend applications. Webmin react admin dashboard is based on a modern responsive design, which allows it to be

EasyDev — Developer Friendly React Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

About Template: EasyPro is a modern dashboard template based on React Components and Bootstrap 4 Framework. We’ve used modern technologies and best practices that’s why you can easily work with our product. It’s the most convenient template for developers, because of React Components, clean code and detailed documentation, which allows you to build any projects easily! Use

Reactify – React Redux Material BootStrap 4 Admin Template

Reactify is a powerful reactjs template developed with redux, redux-thunk, webpack 4 and bootstrap 4. Its fully resposnive and support RTL languages with integrated language translation method. It provides ready to use components, widgets and pages which makes it supper easy to build a new admin panel as per requirement. It comes with pre-integrated API

Reactify – ReactJS Redux Material BootStrap 4 Admin Template

Features Unique dashboard designs 300+ UI elements 20+ Custom page Text editors 1000+ Font icons Responsive and data tables Charts and graphs Interactive maps Modules integrated Google-map-react Material-ui Redux React-redux React-router-dom React-scrollbar Reactstrap (Bootstrap 4 components) Recharts React-draft-wysiwyg React-dragula React-ace Axios Datamaps React-chartjs-2 React-circular-progressbar React-leaflet React-ionicons React-skycons React-slick React-quill Rc-queue-anim Chart.js Draft-js React-tap-event-plugin React-trello React-table