Lonon is a resume portfolio template. It has pinned vertical menu. It also has some opacity scrolling effects. This is the best template for resume, cv, vCard, personal and portfolio websites. This is a fully customizable template. You can edit each and every part of this template according to your needs.
- Simple & Clean Design
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3 Code
- Fully Responsive & Mobile Friendly
- Retina Ready
- Vertical Sidebar Menu
- Coded with SEO in Mind
- Creative blog style
- Portfolio 1-4 Column Design
- ET Line Icons
- Themify Icons
- Google Maps
- Animate CSS
- W3C valid HTML files
- Well commented code
If you need any technical support, please send me a message via my support mail address (adamthemes@yahoo.com) and I will get back to you as soon as possible.