Klinsa is a modern professional HTML template for Cleaning and Pest Control Service Provider Solo or Company website. This is built on Bootstrap 4 and Sass. The template is W3 valid and contains Retina Ready user-centric design layout. Kilnsa is a premium and fully compatible with all kinds of mobile, tab, notebook and desktop devices.
Also, the template is easy to customize and extend. The template documentation will help to get the details about the Klinsa template architecture and uses.
Main Features:
- 2 Beautiful Home Demo Variations
- Bootstrap (v4.x)
- Built With Sass
- Retina Ready
- Responsive in Any Device
- Creative Layout
- Fast, Lightweight & Powerful
- Smooth Transition Effects
- Integrated with FontAwesome & Flaticon
- Awesome Customized Slider
- W3 Valid
- Well Commented Code
- Easily Customizable
- Detailed Documentation
24-Hour Turnaround Support:
- Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
- Please send us email to hello@envytheme.com with your details query. Thanks!
What do you get?
- Template source code
- Documentation
Important Note:
- Images and video are only for demo purpose and not included in the download bundle.
Sources and Credits:
- Bootstrap
- Owl Carousel 2
- Animate CSS
- FontAwesome
- Sass
- placehold.it