Jibo is a Modern Responsive App and Product Landing Page Template built with Pure React, Next js, and Express js. The template is offering multiple variations in landing page designs with Unique User Experience (UX) and Look & Feel. It looks stunning on all types of screens and devices. This is also offering multipurpose features which can be used to present and promote your Mobile Apps, SaaS Applications, Software, Digital Products, IT Startups, Books or Magazines website, etc on the web.
Jibo offers a creative and business-focused way to present and promote your startup product or mobile app website.
Main Features:
- Built on pure React.js without jQuery
- 16 Homepage Variations
- Responsive in Any Device
- Retina Ready
- Creative and Beautiful Layout
- Fast, Lightweight & Powerful
- Smooth Transition Effects
- ES6+
- React 16.8+
- Next.js 8.0+
- Express.js
- Clean And Professional Coding
- Nodemailer
- SendGrid Mail
- Multiple Blog Pages Included
- Creative and Modern Design
- Bootstrap 4.3.x
- Simple client-side routing (page based)
- React Wow
- React Modal Video
- Smooth Transition Effects
- Google font and Icon Used
- Ripples Touch Animation Effectt
- Retina ready
- Integrated With icofont
- Awesome Customized Slider
- Easily Customizable
- Well Commented Code
- Detailed Documentation
24-Hour Turnaround Support:
- Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
- Please send us email to hello@envytheme.com with your details query. Thanks!
What do you get?
- Template source code
- Documentation
- Images and video are only for demo purpose and not included in the download bundle.
Sources and Credits:
- ReactJS
- ReactDom
- Next JS
- Express JS
- Bootstrap
- Nodemailer
- React Odometer.js
- ES6-Promise
- isomorphic-fetch
- next-compose-plugins
- next-optimized-images
- imagemin-gifsicle
- imagemin-mozjpeg
- imagemin-optipng
- imagemin-svgo
- React Modal Video
- Google Fonts
- SendGrid
- React Scripts
- React Accordion
- IcoFont