HIN Personal Portfolio HTML Template designed very carefully. You can edit and update all files nicely. You can build a
stunning website by using Hin template for Personal Portfolio. Please check screenshots to understand the layout and
designs style. We really hope you will like our item.
villa, apartments, resorts and other residential as well as commercial complexes. This template has beautiful and unique
design that will be
best suited for your online web presence. It has 100% responsive design and tested on all major handheld devices.
Secrius comes with necessary
features for your online presence like projects, blog, testimonial and team page etc. Secrius can be a great choice for
your online presence.
Looking for release your company website ? Secrius is best choice.
This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included best practice
of web development – you can create great website layout based on Bootstrap 4.4.1 or Grid 1180px.
Features Overview:
Responsive Layout Design:
What ever you are using the device your site will run as it should be. This template is fully responsive
layout for all type of devices.
Valid HTML Files :
Secrius – Security Services Multipurpose HTML Template coded with beautiful and clean codes! Bootstrap
v4.4.1, Some powerful HTML files 100% valid W3 web standards.
Awesome Blog Pages :
Blogging very important! We designed beautiful blog page templates and single blog styles for your news and
Bootstrap Framework:
Bootstrap v4.4.1 is the most popular HTML5, CSS3, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first
projects on the web.
Key Features:
Unique Two Home Pages.
Total 4+ Pages.
Clean & Modern Design.
Valid HTML5 & CSS3.
Bootstrap v4.4.1
Valid Bootlick Bootstrap.
Fully responsive.
Sticky Menu When Scrolling Down.
Seo Optimized.
Crossbrowser Compatible with Edge, IE9+, Firefox, Safari,
Opera, Chrome.
CSS Menu.
Owl Carousel Use & Owl Carousel Slider.
Magnific Popup.
Smooth transition effects.
Cross Browser Optimization.
Free Updates.
Font Awesome icon 400+ icons.
Free Google font.
Standerd custom code Created.
All files are well commented.
Smooth animation
Working Ajax contact form with
HIN Personal Portfolio HTML Template contains the following Pages:
HIN Personal Portfolio HTML Template
- Home One
- Home Two
- Blog
- Blog Details
CSS and JavaScripts Libraries:
Jquery v3.3.1
Bootstrap v4.4.1
Magnific Popup
What do you get?
All HTML files.
24/7 Support.
Note: Live preview images are not included in the final download. These are only for example purpose.
Support Facility:
Please send us your product presale query, after sales developer support request, customization project and any other
queries to our dedicated support: help.rabiulalam01833@gmail.com