Creative coming soon template is beautifully designed coming soon/under construction HTML page template. It gives you 10 different demos with various design and customization options. Choose the best template that suits your business. The additional sections like ‘About’ and ‘Contact’ will help you easily demonstrate the important information about your business. There is a separate section to showcase your all important social media profiles. What you need to do is just add the links to your social media profiles and your will be listed on the coming soon page. You can also add the countdown timer to add to your website launch. This creative template looks perfect on each screen and resolutions and browsers. It also comes with different features like Image background, Background Slideshow , Video background, YouTube Page + Countdown page etc.
Main features:
- Responsive HTML5 & CSS3 Template
- BootStrap 3.x
- 10 different demo for Coming Soon Template
- Google Web Font
- Font Awesome Icons
- Countdown
- Subscribe Form
- Form Validations
- W3 Standards & Validate Code
- Developer friendly and well commented code
- 2 column layout
- Creative and modern design with lots of possibilities
- Fully compatible for all major browsers such as Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer 10+, Edge
- Easy to use and customized code
- Well documented
- and much more…
Contact Form (PHP, jQuery)
Files included:
HTML Files
CSS Files
JS Files
PHP File
Images which are used are free to use for commercial purpose and are used from Video 1 is used from Shutterstock and created by Clever-Arts. Video 2 is used from Youtube OpenVideoLife and that is free to use for commercial purpose