Bolans – React Startup & Software Agency Template
Bolans – react-js Template for Startup & Software Agency based on React Components and Reactstrap
Framework. We’ve used modern technologies and best practices to make our product easy to
work with. It’s the most convenient template for developers, because of React
Components, clean code and detailed documentation, which allows you to build any
projects easily! Use it for any kind of agency template and other types of web or
mobile applications.
- Reactstrap
- Fully Responsive Layout
- 18+ Pages
- Free Icon Fonts
- Responsive Navigation Menu
- Shop and Listing Cards & Widgets
- Form Validation
- React Router 4
- React-slick
- Shop details
- Comeing Soon
- and much much more…
What do you get?
- Template source code
- Documentation
What do you get?
- Important Note: Images are only for demo purpose and not included in the download bundle.
Sources and Credits:
- React.js
- React Router Dom
- Bootstrap
- Google Fonts
- React Slick