Bariel – HTML5 Template is specially made for Real Estate, Interior, construction & Architecture Business related websites. It includes 24 HTML files which are easy to customizable.
It is beautifully designed in a very smart way to bring the best user experience that you will definitely love.
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Features Overview
Bootstrap 4 Framework:
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
OWL Carousel:
Create stunning slides with simple animation effects easily with OWL Carousel.
Responsive Layout Design:
What ever you are using the device your site will run as it should be. Bariel template is fully responsive layout for all type of devices.
24 Valid HTML Files:
Bariel template coded with beautiful and clean codes! Some powerful HTML files 100% valid W3School web standards.
Full Features List:
- Based on Bootstrap 4
- 100% Responsive
- Html5, Css3, Jquery, Scss
- Nice and Clean Design
- Clean and commented code
- W3 Valid HTML Files
- Total 24 HTML Files
- 3 Home Pages
- 10 Default & 10 Secondary Pages
- 1 404 Page
- Font Awesome 5 Pro Icons
- Free FlatIcons
- Free Google Fonts
- Modern Browsers Compatible
- Easy to customize
- Well Documentaed
Special Credits Goes To:
Fonts Used:
- Poppins, Rubik & Rufina Google Fonts
Icons Used:
- Font Awesome 5 Pro from FontAwesome
- Free Flat Icons from FlatIcon
Any elements that appear or are used in the preview but are NOT in the download.
If you need support, please send me an email.